Chapter I. - Welcome home

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"Hey, don't change the channel, the news is coming up!" Cyan, my brother, yelled and snagged the remote control away from me.

"Oh flipping Arceus, what's there in the news?" I yelled back, knowing full well that there'll be yet another broadcast about the infamous Team Shade.

After the disbanding of Team Flare, a new group was taking over. And they were really making themselves known. Just after a few weeks, they were already establishing their name by stealing pokeballs from people only to release them in the wild. Some people might say they were doing a good deed while others were making a ruckus about it. My brother, however, wasn't the latter. Despite being twenty-three years old and Snowbelle City's gym leader, he was still as childish as ever.

"Grrruuuff!" my brother's Arcanine that was napping quietly by our feet jolted awake and started prancing around, making a hell lot of noise.

I smiled instantly.

"If Blaze's acting this way, that means dad's coming home!" I started jumping up and down, and realised I was acting exactly like Blaze.

My brother rolled his eyes. You see, ever since mum's passing, my dad has to make ends meet and take long journeys away from home. And with my graduation nearing, he had to work extra hard to make sure I could fend for myself when I become a fully-fledged trainer. Cyan was already helping with his income as a gym leader but despite the prestigious role, it was just enough to get by. I never question anything my dad does. I guess you could say I idolise him as much as Cyan idolises that notorious Team Shade.

And at that moment, the door opened and another Arcanine rushed forward to greet us. Dad followed behind and chuckled at the small reunion.

"Dad! Glad you're back!" I rushed forward and gave him a big hug. He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"My, look how you've grown! I can no longer carry you on my back!" he grinned.

I smiled. Dad was still the same as ever. He had the same warm face and goatee which he had on for as long as I could remember. Cyan came up to him and smacked him on the back. I rolled my eyes. Was that how men greet each other? But I could tell that Cyan was also happy to see him back home. Even Enzo, dad's Arcanine, was glad to see his pal after the long trip.


"So, Winter, since you're going to graduate in a few days, I've got something for you,"

We were eating dinner in the dining room while the two other pokemon wandered around the hall, seeing that both of them are just too big to fit inside the room. I leaned forward and wondered what Dad had in store for me.

"What did you get?" Cyan asked, his mouth still full of food.

I punched his arm, causing him to choke on his food.

"Hey, you brat, what was that for? I almost died!" He glared at me, shoving more food into his mouth.

"You flipping pig, be more considerate! Dad just got home and you're already showing him your ugly habits! Besides, I'm supposed to ask him since it's for me," I cringed, watching him eat his food.

I turned to dad and expected a good scolding from him, since we were fighting, but none of that came. He just stared at us and I wondered what was wrong. Even Cyan stopped eating.

"What's wrong dad?"

"I-It's nothing. Here, I caught it and since you've yet to acquire a pokemon, I thought I'd give you one first," he took out a pokeball and handed it over to me.

I practically fell out of my chair.

"B-but, I'm not a trainer yet. I mean there are rules-"

My dad shook his head and pushed the pokeball into my hands.

"Then keep it a secret. Use your new friend on the day you graduate," he smiled and continued eating.

I wanted to scream. You do not know how happy I was. I was practically grinning my head off. I think Cyan caught the happy vibes and also started grinning. What can I say? Happiness is contagious.

"Hey let's check out what pokemon's in there," Cyan grabbed my arm and raced out of the dining room.

I was supposed to be mad at him since he just snagged me while I was eating but I was too excited to be mad. I wanted to see what pokemon I had too!

We raced out to the living room and the two beasts came and wondered what was all the fuss about. I smiled. I'll no longer be one without a friend. I'd be on par like my dad and my brother!

"Come on out, friend!" I clicked the button on the pokeball and a ray of light shot through, revealing a silhouette of a little orange puppy.

"It's a growlithe?" the tone of my brother's voice was obviously disappointed since he got one of his own already but I was beyond ecstatic with what dad gave me.

"Oh my flipping flip! Oh the holy Arceus! Dad, you're amazing!" I could hear dad's chuckle from the dining room and I grinned.

I crouched down but the little guy cowered, still afraid of me.

"Hey there, little guy, don't be afraid, I'm not here to hurt you," I coaxed and lifted my hand.

"Rurrff!" it barked and nuzzled its nose on my knee before putting it's paw in my hand.

I grinned.

"See, nothing to be afraid about. Let's see, what should I call you?" I grinned and thought of a suitable name.

"Go and name it after dad," my brother joked and I shot him a dirty look.

I finally snapped my fingers and knew what to call him.

"That's it! I'll call you Fang! You haven't grown fangs yet, but you will and be as mighty as these two!" I motioned to the two Arcanines behind me.

Cyan snickered. 

"Well, since that's done, want to battle me? The loser has to do the winner's chores for a week!" he smiled devilishly but I knew this was a trick.

"No way! What, Blaze against Fang? You've got to be kidding me!" I scooped Fang into my arms and ran out of the house. 


Away from the confines of home and my annoying brother, I let Fang go and he immediately started catching snowflakes that glided gracefully down from the sky. I sat on the cold snow, admiring my new friend. In a few days, I would have to go to Aquacorde Town and there, a new journey would start. After that, I won't be home for a long time, just like dad. Cyan would surely miss me even though we're always quarelling. He had to stay since he was the gym leader after all. 

And then it hit me. I smacked my forehead. If he's the gym leader, that means I would have to battle him someday. Oh flipping flip, why didn't I realise it sooner?

And as I was recollecting my thoughts, some bloody ogre threw a snowball at me. Dang, I was as red as a tomato. I was ready to blast my brother with snowballs and then I realise who that was.

 "Yo, neighbour! See you've got a growlithe. Well, then I don't need to hide this too,"

He took out a pokeball and out came a seahorse pokemon. I've seen this pokemon in books that I've studied in Pokemon Training School but never in real life. It's a horsea.

"Want to go a round?" he grinned.

I gulped. What have I gotten myself into?

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