Chapter III. - A new adventure

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A/N: dedicated this to my first ever fan!! thank you so much, and i'm rly glad you love reading it! ^^


"Winter, you've got to hurry up! Cyan's throwing a fit down there," my dad called outside the door of my room.


I struggled to wear my boots and comb my hair at the same time. Ah, flipping Arceus, of all days, why did I woke up late today? Cyan was already doing a good deed (dad told him to and he unwillingly agreed) by sending me to Aquacorde Town on his Talonflame. One of his Pokemon that he likes to show around. Sometimes I wished Pokemon Training School could be nearer to home. I didn't need my good-for-nothing brother to send me. But other than that, I was excited. I wouldn't be coming home today. I'd be going on my own adventure. A chance to create my own destiny. It's the day of my graduation!

Before I left, I made sure I wore the beanie Frost gave me as a souvenir from Hoenn. Well, it was nice and it really suited me. I think. 

I hopped down the steps two at a time and went to the door where dad was waiting for me. I grinned.

"Well, come on dad! Don't want to be late," I said, but he gave me a sad smile.

"I'm sorry but I won't be following you, sweetheart. I have to go again soon," he gave me an apologetic look.

Again. Dad had to leave again. That was fast. He wouldn't see me go as a fully-fledged trainer. I was disappointed but I didn't want to show it to him. He had done so much for us. Dad must have been tired since he just got back home a few days ago. I nodded, trying my best to smile.

"Oh, that's a bummer, dad, but don't worry, I'll make you proud!" I grinned.

I hugged dad tightly before Cyan's voice shattered the moment.

"Hey, hurry up! I'm not doing this because I want to you know," Cyan called and I rolled my eyes.

I waved to dad and ran up to Cyan who was already on his Talonflame. He hoisted me up and gave a salute to dad. Dad grinned.

"Men," I muttered, under my breath.

Let me just say one thing, I absolutely hate heights, especially when the things below me are moving. So you could say that I held on really tight to my brother. But he was being a jerk and did somersaults in the air.

"U-ugh, stop it! What if I fall and die? Dad'll kill you!" I shrieked and clung onto my brother's shirt for dear life.

"Don't worry, ol' Phoenix here knows how to catch falling people too," he grinned and continued flying wildly in the air.

Thanks to Phoenix, we've managed to land in a clearing at the edge of Aquacorde Town at record time but really, was all the somersaults necessary? We landed and I quickly got off the flying Pokemon and started retching. My brother looked down at me distastefully.

"Well, you're all set. You don't need me to see you off right?" he said as he combed Phoenix's feathers.

I shook my head. That won't be a very good thing. I mean if it's dad, I don't mind, but Cyan? Last time when he was supposed to fetch me from school, he came way too early. Because of that, he decided to hang out for a while and when I finally ended, I saw a bunch of girls surrounding him. Was my brother really that attractive? I had to go wrenched my way in that mob and pull him away. I shook my head to forget the incident. Really, my brother could be such a pain in the butt sometimes.

"That's good. I'll meet you again soon anyway," he hinted and gave me a thumbs-up.

He patted Phoenix and soon they were high in the sky again.

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