Chapter 10 - Being Promoted

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Ever since Kevin left, they've been looking for a new editor. While no one applied yet, I volunteered to be an editor for the moment.

"You sure you wanna do this? It's pretty hard and complicated at first, but when you get used to it, it's a piece of cake." Barry said.

"Yes! I've been waiting to do this way before Kevin left!" You said as Barry giggled.

"Okay, okay. When do you wanna start?" He asked as I just stared at him, wonder filled my eyes.

"Now?!" He asked as we got started. He showed me which softwares to use, the timing of the gaming video and the recorded audio (Ex: Dan and Arin playing a game, but the only thing that can be heard is their voices.), how to add stuff all over the screen, and how to add the intro and the 'next time' screen.

"I think you're ready." Dad said as I was extremely tired afterwards. He called Dan over.

"Ok kid. Let's see you edit this part of an episode. It's really short, but if you can do it in a certain amount of time, you can work on bigger and longer ones." Dan said while handing me a USB.

"I'll work on it, but can we eat first?" I asked as they giggled and nodded their heads. We got lunch and coffee for everyone and went to the Grump Space.

"Hey guys!" Arin greeted us as he let us in. We set the food on a table and everyone came rushing in and grabbing food like animals LITERALLY. Vernon, Ross, and Suzy were growling at each other like cats, Jack and Brent were barking while tugging on a sub with their mouths, and Holly was tweeting happily and got a salad from the table. Arin, Barry, Dan, and I were only watching the chaos, laughing out butts off.

They finally calmed down and we got ours. After eating, I went to the desk specifically made for me, and started working. The whole thing was just a 10:30 minute Game Grumps episode where they were playing a grumped Kirby's Dream Course. I timed together the game video, their voices, added in the intro and outro, and added things they wanted to be put in which took the time they expected me to finish, 2 hours. I put the finished episode in the same USB and let Barry watch to see if there was any mistakes.

"Wow! You didn't really do anything wrong here. The audio went with the video and the intro and outro came in right on time. You're already an expert at this!" Dad said as he hugged me and lifted me off the ground.

"Okay! Please put me down." I said as he did what I said. Barry the showed the episode to Dan and Arin and the were impressed.

"You nailed this one, kid!" Dan said as he high fived himself from the joke he just made. Arin then realized the joke and high fived Dan.

"This is pretty impressive for your first episode you edited alone." Arin commented.

"Well, if it weren't for my awesome dad, here!" I said as I hugged Barry and he hugged back.

"You know what, Sam? I'm promoting you to be an official Grump Editor. That means you'll get a share of the money we earn." Arin said as I kneeled down and knighted me with an imaginary sword and everyone applauded.

"I'm really honored, but that quickly?! What am I gonna do with the money anyway?!" I asked him.

"Everything about you shows the characteristics of being and editor here, and with your some girly stuff I guess." He replied as I punched his arm.

"I'm not that girly." I mumbled as I punched his arm again.

"How about me?! I still have the same job as I started!" Ross yelled at Arin.

"You're not getting a promotion and you never will!" Arin yelled back as Ross slumped back into his chair while we laughed.

-Time Skip-

We went back home and I was super exhausted. I went to my room and changed into my PJs, and listened to TWRP until I slept.

The next morning, I woke up at 8am and no body was awake, so I made coffee for the three of us. Thirty minutes later, Barry and Danny came to the kitchen.

"How long have you been up?" Danny asked.

"Yeah....I'm really tired...I'm Barricorn." Barry mumbled as he sat on a bar stool near the counter.

"I just woke up thirty minutes ago." I replied to Dan.

"Hey! I made coffee." I yelled at Barry making him jump out of his seat. I handed him and Dan their coffees and Dad seemed more awake.

"You awake Bear-bear?" Dan asked as Barry just nodded.

We have a long day ahead of us.

I really know how to make an interesting topic sound so boring. I am sorry I am taking ages to publish a new chapter, I am really busy especially since there's school stuff in the way. Thanks for 1.23k reads! Having a lot of people reading this is bonkers! You guys are just awesome! See you in the next one!


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