Chapter 17 - An Incident

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-Few months later-

Barry's POV

It's about time that Sam's birthday came around. Today was 2 weeks before her birthday, and since she made my birthday very special, I'm gonna make her's very special too. The problem was I didn't know where to start. I heard someone faintly tell my name.

"BARRY! BARRY! BARRY! COME ON, MAN!" I heard as I apparently was daydreaming, eating breakfast with Dan. He was trying to wake me up:

"Hey, Barry! You okay, dude?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just daydreaming." I replied eating more of my cereal.

"You only do that if you have a lot of things in your mind. Are you still bothered my the dating thing?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, kinda owe Sam a very special day. Also, I don't really care about the dating thing anymore. I'm happy to be with my daughter with or without a mom." I replied.

"You amaze me every single day. So what are you thinking about for her birthday?" He said.

"That's the problem! I don't know where to start!" I replied slightly freaking out.

"Okay, Barry, calm down. We should list together all the things she likes, and go from there!" Dan said, giving an immediate idea.

"Okay, well, she likes ramen, cats and dogs, playing games with family..." I said trying to remember what else she likes.

"Good, that's something! Maybe we could eat out at a ramen place, then give gifts and play games afterwards! Maybe go on some sights in the middle." Dan replied.

", we need to fill in the gaps so we can complete an entire day!" I said as we kept on giving each other ideas, even at the office, we even had a conference in the office committed to making sure Sam's birthday is the best she's had in her entire life.


Sam's POV

It was just a normal day at school, but everyone started following me around for some reason.

"Omg, Sam! Can you say hi to my friend right now? They just couldn't believe that I'm in school with a famous YouTuber!" A said said with a camera rolling.

"Dude! Where are you?!" Olivia yelled WAY at the back of the crowd following me.

"Omg what happened? Why are you all the way over here?" I asked as I got closer to her.

"I'm pretty sure these 'fans' are pushing me to the back." She said crossing her arms.

"In never said anything about the Grumps, or YouTube at all!" I said.

"What?! You ARE a YouTuber?! OMG SAM CAN I GET YOUR AUTOGRAPH?!" Someone yelled.

"Dude, we need to get out of here!" I said to Olivia as we sneaked out to an empty classroom.

"I don't know why this is happening! I never told anyone about the Grumps!" I said as I held my head in my hands.

"Except for told him...he wants to get back from the rejection...." Olivia mumbled out.

"Omg, Olivia, that's it! I don't know what I would do without ya!" I said as I hugged her.

"There's only one way to find out. We need to talk to Matt directly." She said.

"Okay, I will dissipate the crowd so it will be MUCH easier." I replied as we started our mission.

"Hey, you guys! Can we please meet at the courtyard in about 5 minutes? We need to make this quick, so please go now!" I said as they all walked outside.

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