Chapter 13 - Barry's Birthday (Part 2)

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Barry's POV

"So, what now?" I asked as all of than had this creepy grin on their faces. Arin whistled and then came two clowns.

"HOLY SH*T! WHO THE F*CK LET CLOWNS IN HERE?!?!" I screamed as I tripped and fell while everyone laughed. The clowns slowly approached me as they started to laugh maniacally. 'Their voices sound familiar...' I thought to myself as they stopped laughing.

"Calm down, dude! It's just me, Matt!" The tall clown said, taking off his puffy, red wig.

"And Ryan!" The shorter clown said taking off his rainbow Afro.

"Holy sh* guys scared me! Good thing it's just you guys." I said as they helped me up.

-Time Skip-

After playing games in the Space, we went to a roller rink, which is the same one we went to record Cool Patrol, and went skating. Sam was right in front of me with Olivia by her side. I couldn't help but take pictures of them both. I saw Mark do the same thing. I got tired and went to the bleachers.

As I sat down, a woman sat at the same row as me, only a couple of seats away. She was staring at me like she knew me. I looked at her and saw that she had wet interesting features, but I just ignored her and went back in.

I saw Sam coming my way, and I joined her.

"Having fun, Dad?" She asked not taking her eyes off the path.

"Totally! Thank you for making this the best birthday I've ever had since I met the Grumps, which was a LONG time ago." I replied.

"Thank YOU for making me feel like the luckiest girl in the world." She said with a smile. After skating, we went to play laser tag and decided to go in an arcade/karaoke place last.

We went in our room and sat at the couches. Sam immediately went to the song book to look for songs. A few minutes later, she had already put in 5 songs and she passes the book to Dan.

Sam's POV

I picked up a mic that has been laid out on the coffee table in front of the couch and got ready to sing as my song, Stand By You by Rachel Platten, started to play.

"This song goes to all of you, but especially the best dad anyone could ask for." I said into the mic.

-Time Skip-

After being in the karaoke/arcade, we went back to the office, wanting to watch movies until we passed out. Mark, Olivia, Matt, Ryan, and Kevin already went home, and I noticed a video Dad was watching.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Oh! This is my older brother Alex. He makes music videos for my birthdays, and he started making these things since I turned 23. Now that I'm 27, he made another one, except it's a rap." He replied as I heard Uncle Alex make a very good impression of Dad.

Here's the video if you want it!

"Woah! He does a very good you!" I said amazed.

"Yeah, he does." Barry said as he looked at the time.

"We should head back home. Go wake up Dan, he's probably dead right now." Barry said as I nodded and went to Dan and shook him. I earned a groan from him.

"Gimme five more minutes, Mom!" He said in his sleep.

"Uh, Arin, a little help?" I asked Arin who was on the couch with a unconscious Suzy on him.

"Oh, sure." He said as he took a pillow and gave it to Suzy, who curled onto it like a cat, and carried Dan bridal style. I opened the backseat door and Arin put him in as I strapped his seatbelt. I got on the passenger seat while Dad sat on the driver's seat.

We got home safe and Dad and I carried Dan into the house, onto his bed, and tucked him in.

I went in my room and got to bed. Just as I turned off my lamp, Dad came in the room.

"Goodnight, sweetie." He said before kissing my forehead.

"You've never called me that before, BUT it's something that I can get used to. Goodnight, Dad." I replied as I kissed his cheek. He left the room and I took out my laptop, doing research on how to do pancake art.

-Time Skip-

I woke up to my alarm ringing at 5:30 am since I wanted to make a special after-birthday-breakfast. I went to the kitchen and got my pancake batter, colored with food coloring, into little bottles. I took out the flattest pan I could find and started "drawing" on it. I didn't expect the first one to be as good, as most first tries go, when I flipped the pancake. It was my Grump Head! I made more pancakes to complete the rest of the Grumps and I heard Barry coming to the kitchen.

"Dan, what are you up to so early..." He groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yes, I am clearly a 6'2" male with a jewfro." I said as he blinked a couple of times.

"Oh hey, Sam! Good morning I guess. What're you up to?" He said as he saw my stack of finished pancakes.

"What?! These are awesome! There's the Grumps and everything!" He said amazed.

"I just started and I think I'm an expert already! I'm just kidding..." I replied as I making the Matt pancake.

"Do you think everyone's gonna be at the office later? I have a special breakfast..." I said as I flipped the Matt pancake and made the Ryan one.

"I think so. You better finish those up if we wanna get to the office while these are still warm." He warned me as he went to get ready. I finished up the Ryan pancake, and put stack it with the rest and covered it with foil. I got my stuff ready and we went to the office.

-Time Skip-

"Hello? Anyone here?" Dad asked as we went in the office.

"Oh, hey dude! Matt and Ryan are editing, and Vernon's recording some Hot Pepper Gaming. Some are in the recording room, they have Grumpcade episodes to record." Ross replied from his desk, not taking his eyes of his screen.

"Uh, when are they gonna finish? I have a something for everyone." I asked as Ross looked at what I had in my hands.

"What's that?" He asked with a devious smile.

"This is for EVERYONE. Not just you." I replied as I held onto it tighter.

"Hey, Ross. We just got done recording 5 episodes. Good morning, Barry and Sam." Arin said walking out of the recording room, being followed by Dan and Suzy.

"Whoa! What's that?!" Suzy asked.

"Its breakfast for everyone!" I replied as everyone 'whooped.'

We went to a table where we were followed by Matt and Ryan. We ate the personalized pancakes and continued with our work. It was just a regular day.

Hello, my beautiful peeps. Thanks so much for being with me since the beginning! I really wanted to release this chapter on Saturday since it was Barry's birthday, but agendas got in the way so this is 4 days late...sorry. Thanks for 2.15k reads!!!! This is very awesome and flattering! I'm sorry for being so lazy/slow on these chapters, but I will start on the next chapter. I will see you guys in the next one.


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