2 - New Team

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With a few minutes spent in Professor Willow's office, you had made a few friends with the Pokémons. They loved you as much as you love them.

Once you have picked your Pokémon which consist of Pikachu, Charmander, Caterpie, Totodile, Onix and surprisingly, an Arbok. Technically, you walked around to catch them.

"That is an array of different Pokémon you got there, (Name)." The professor were amazed by your choice.

"Well, you can't just stick to the basic and ty to learn new types." You were currently outside, with your Onix, feeding it with some Poké berries.

Your Pikachu were making friends with the Pokémon you've chosen. You have learn the basic and the rules. It was like the previous game you play in the old Gameboy and the Nintendo DX.

Spark were hanging with Candela and Blanche. Candela and Blanche were talking about which team you should join. Spark had been spaced out from the conversation. He was staring dreamily at you.

You were spending your time with your Pokémon and other Pokémons. Professor Willow continue to guide you on how to take care of Pokémon. Your adventure will start but it must be guided by someone. Someone from a Team.

A Team Leader.

"Spark. Hey, Spark." Candela snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Earth to Spark. Heelllloooo!"

"Huh?" Spark blinked his eyes to regain his sense. "What?"

"Stop daydreaming and listen." Blanche folded her arms.

"Right." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about that." He took a short glance to where you are.

"I suggest that (Name) should join Mystic seeing that her Pokémon are high expectations." Blanche spoke up.

"No way. Look at her Onix." Candela added. "Its strong and I bet that she may join Valor. With her on board, Team Valor will become strong!"

"Well, it's up to her and her what her heart says." Spark shuffled his feet. "You could say,'Trust your Instinct'. I think her Pokémon are great just they way they are."

Candela and Blanche stared at Spark. Its like as if he had grow two heads instead of one. Spark gave them a shrug before running off to (Name) and her Onix.

"Hey (Name)!" Spark ran up towards you. Your Pikachu came back and immediately climb onto Spark's back. "Hey there, buddy!"

"Pikachu!" It continue to climb until it was at Spark's head. Then, it jump from his head to you. You quickly held your arms out to catch said Pokémon.

Spark's forehead got kicked by the hind legs of Pikachu. "Ack!" In result, causing him to fall down backwards till his butt hit the floor.

"Oh my gosh!" You catched your Pikachu and place it at your shoulder. "Are you alright?!" You quickly got down and check him.

"Man, that was a powerful kick." Spark gave you a thumbs up. You sighed in relief. He slowly got up, same as you. He brushed the dirt of his pants.

Behind you, Arbok's tail got bit by Totodile. Charmander was hugging his tail while Caterpie climbed onto Onix's head for protection.

"So, (Name)," Candela came up. You were soothing Arbok and its tail. "Which team do you join?"

"Considering your Pokémon strength and brilliance, I highly suggest Mystic." Blanche gave your Totodile some berries. She pat its head when Totodile smiled.

"Spark, got anything to say." You looked to him as Arbok nuzzled its chin at the top of your head. He was scratching Flash, his Jolteon's tummy. "Spark?"

Spark looked up. "Hm?" Then his brain click in. "Oh! Well, I think your Pokémon are great just they way they are. No need for powerful types or anything. That's all I can say."

You stared at Spark. He's different than Candela and Blanche. From what your friends told you, Isaac, Jacob and Lily, Team Instinct was different than Valor and Mystic. They are in Valor and Mystic so, you began to thought. Why not join Instinct? Why not join the Yellow instead of Red or Blue?

"Spark," You got his attention. He had to look down at you due to that he was tall and you were short. "I'm joining your team."

His peaceful expression burst into a cheerful and hyperactive kid who just got candy as a reward. He surprised you with a hug, in your reaction, you blush at the contact. "THANK YOU!" He cried. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"

"S-spark?" You were grateful that you can hug a fictional character but at the same time, flushed from said hug. "L-let go!"

"Now I can die in happiness," He add on. He lean back and gave you a smile. A genuine and shining smile. Which cause your insides, to die from his smile.

From other's point of view, its like you had propose to Spark and Spark had said, 'yes.' In a happy kind of reaction. If you get the idea, that is.

Professor Willow had a camera, just took it out from his lab coat and quickly snap a picture of you and Spark. In the background, Candela and Blanche are reacting to the both of you. Blanche looks like she's going to faint and Candela stood next to her, unknowning what to do.

"Um, Spark," Spark looks at you with sparkle in his eyes. You can imagine, seeing stars in his pupil. "You can let go..."

"O-oh!" Spark let you go, a tint of red was visible to his cheek. "Sorry about that, I got carried away."

"It's okay." You gave him a smile. "Now," You clasped your hands together. "What's next, Team Leader?"

i feel like i wanna put all the pokémon generation from 1 to now...

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