3 - Are you feeling egg-cited?

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"As you can see," Spark was laying on the ground, his ear was place onto said ground. "The ground can be heard from below and you can hear that Diglet is somewhere nearby."

You were resting, sitting at the bottom of the tree, taking care of Pikachu and Flash, his Jolteon. Flash was sleeping next to you while your Pikachu was sleeping on your lap. Totodile was with Spark, trying to learn something from him.

"Toto?" Totodile tilted its head to Spark's words. It follow Spark's pose and lay down in front of him. "Totodile!" It gave Spark a happy expression.

"That's right!" Spark sat on the ground, sitting cross-legged as he watch Totodile. "Diglet is somewhere nearby and I bet (Name) will be happy about it."

"Totodile!" It chirped cheerfully as it lay on the ground.

There was a rustle near the bush. Spark looked at you before looking back to the bush. You. Bush. You. Bush. You or the rustling Bush.

"I'll be back!" Spark rush off to towards the bush.

"Spark?" You find your Team Leader zipped off with the speed of light. You managed to see a blur of yellow, diving into one of the bushes.

Flash woke up. It rubbed its eyes with its paw before getting up and did a quick stretch. A yawn managed to escape from the Jolteon. Pikachu was still sleeping. Totodile came back with a cheerful smile.

"Hey Totodile, have you seen Spark?" You asked it. Totodile shook its head.

Behind you, a rustle crept by. It became loud and louder. Flash and Totodile prepare their fighting stance. A tuff of blonde hair emerged, which cause Flash to send an electrifying bolt to said hair.

A shriek came as Spark appeared and fall down. He lay down on his back as he was clutching an egg. "Why... me..." He groaned. In shock.

"You found an egg?" You decide to stand up while at the same time, carrying the sleeping Pikachu in your arms.

"Yup!" He nodded his head. He then held the Pokémon egg to you. "And its for you!"

"Thank you but uh," Your arms were carrying Pikachu and you don't want to wake up from its sleep. "How will I carry it?"

Flash pulled something out from your backpack and gave it to Spark. "Of course!" Spark snapped his fingers. "The Egg Incubator! Why didn't I think of that?"

"Don't worry, (Name). I got this!" Spark pried the Incubator's lid open, slowly put the egg inside and close the lid. "Done! All you have to is to walk."

"Walk? Why?" Your biology knowledge of hatching an egg was different than theirs.

"You don't know?" Spark placed the Incubator down. You shook your head, signalling; no. Lily didn't tell you about this,  nor did Jacob or Isaac.

"How should I put?" Spark crossed his arms. He was in a train of thought. Flash had to shock him just to pull him out from his train. "Aha! I've got it!"

Pikachu was now awake. He did a cute little yawn before climbing onto my shoulder. "Pika?" He was puzzled by Spark's action.

"You know that you train your Pokémon, they will become stronger. Right?"

You nodded your head as you listen to Spark's teaching. He continued. "It is the same thing as walking to hatch an Egg. Different Eggs have different (kilometer/miles) to hatch. The longer the length, the chances of getting a strong Pokémon are high!"

"You seem to know what you are doing," You comment on his lectures. Spark did a prideful laughter.

"I am the leader of Team Instinct!" He did a pose. You know this pose, its the dab. "I may look like an idiot but I am smart of knowing such things like these!"

You've seen the dab before. It was seen in the internet and tumblr, and some other websites you've check. Or search.

"By the way," Spark held both of your hands, he leaned close to you. "Aren't you egg-cited for a hatchling?"

"Did you just?" You knew some Egg puns but Spark saying it, makes you want to clip his mouth. He makes no further and continue to make much more Egg puns.

You sighed. "Why yes, yes I am. I'm egg-static for a hatchling." Better to play along.

"She makes puns!" Spark shouted to the sky. You decided to smack the back of his head. Not that hard, but a friendly smack.

You went to the Egg Incubator and placed into your backpack. "Enough, we need to find a place to have night if we are going to Team Instinct Headquarters."

"Sir, yes sir!" Spark did a salute. He quickly pack his stuff and join up. You see, after you chose Team Instinct, Spark wanted to introduce you to the rest of the members and see their Headquarters. It was a journey that would - probably - take a few days.

He had a plan to teach you, about taking Gyms, having Gym battles and training your Pokémon. You had the catching part done but training, you haven't started. Seeing you have a few strong Pokémon in your set, such as; Onix and Arbok. It's best to train you as early as the dawn of time but right now, its all fun and games.

Spark sense that you make Team Instinct proud and well known. Even thought Valor and Mystic always take the number one spot and caused a few dramas with one another, Spark knew that Instinct will surpass them both. He just knew it, deep inside his heart and mind.

"Spark?" You turn around and saw that Spark was in a dreamland. You looked over to Flash. Flash just started at Spark. You've seen Spark did this before so you took his hand and dragged him off from dream or Lala land.

"C'mon, we gotta get out from this forest, find a path that leads us to a PokéStop and have a night to rest." You reminded him.

"Yes, ma'am!" Spark take note of what you said. What he didn't notice, is that you are holding his hand. Usually its the guy but, I give her a hand, Spark had a gentle smile.
Not the goofy kind.

aight, this should be okay...

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