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A/N: Joshua Fucking Ramsay will be the d e a t h of me ok anyways on with the chapter

"How was school, Andy?" Andy's mom greeted him the moment the door closed behind him. Andy shrugged, kicking his shoes into the closet to the side of the entryway.
"Same as usual. Good." He mumbled, going to the stairs.
"Andy, wait." His mom sighed and set her book down, folding her hands in her lap. "What's going on."
Andy pursed his lips and turned on his heels to face her, resting on the wall that separated the stair case from the family room, where his mother currently sat with her concerned gaze. "What do you mean?" He sighed heavily, leaning his head to rest on the wall as well.
"You've not been acting like yourself. Honey, if something is wrong, you can tell me."

He could tell her? Could he, really? Was something wrong? Of course something was wrong. It wasn't something a motherly hug and kiss could fix, though. That couldn't fix any of Andy's problems. It couldn't fix that he was literally fucked up in the head, it couldn't fix that he was a freak. All it could do was restore a small bit of comfort and warmth in his heart, that would be soon washed out as soon as he was left to himself again; as soon as he was left to the self-deprecating thoughts that consumed him whole. He didn't want to be miserable, but sometimes he just couldn't help it. He felt as though he had little to no control over his emotions.

"Andy... Don't cry, sh..." His mother's voice was worrisome and gentle, but Andy hadn't even realized he had begun to cry.
Every damn time he got lost in his mind, he would lose awareness of everything, including himself. It was like the second his mind began to wander, his consciousness went with it. Fuck, Andy hated that. Was there anything about himself that Andy didn't hate, though? "Come here."

Andy looked at his mom, who had sat forward in her spot on the couch and opened her arms. She had opened her arms to hold her broken son, but she had to know she couldn't fix him. She had to know, right? Mother's had a weird sense of knowing when things weren't right with their child, so of course she had to have some idea that what Andy was dealing with wasn't just a bully at school. It wasn't just his crippling depression and anxiety taking control at the most random and inconvenient of moments. It was so much more, and surely she had to know that, right?
Regardless, Andy found himself shuffling over, backpack falling off of his shoulder as he did so, and pathetically moving into the comforting safety of his mothers arms. Was that he was? Pathetic? Perhaps that, and much more. 

"I'm a freak, mom." Andy buried his face in her shoulder. He didn't know why he was speaking. He didn't even expect himself to, and he surely didn't expect those to be the words that would have come from his mouth if he had planned on speaking.
"Why do you say that, sweetie?" His mom murmured, combing her fingers through his hair. Andy squeezed his eyes shut, the tears pooling in the corners of his eyes until they eventually overflowed and spilled, warm against his cold skin. Andy knew his statement alone broke his mother's heart. No good mother would be pleased to hear her child state so confidently that they were a freak; a reject. But that's exactly what Andy was. 

"I- I'm not right. I'm all wrong- I'm messed up." He whimpered. "I get called a freak at school, and no one even knows that I'm-" Andy stopped himself. The word tasted bitter in his mouth, it burnt his tongue too much to even mouth it. It was disgusting.
"That you're what?"
"I don't want to say it. I hate it. I hate that word. It makes me feel like a lab experiment- like- like I'm not a human being. I hate it." Andy muttered all together, clutching onto her as if he would fade away into nothingness if he let go. He was, of course, referring to his being labeled a 'hermaphrodite.' His mother knew that, too.
"No, Andy, no. Not at all. It's what makes you special; so, so special..." His mom closed her eyes, voice lowering into a whisper. "You are special."
Andy said nothing for a while, sitting up a bit finally. He inhaled slowly, and let it out as a shaky exhale.
"There's something else."

His mom raised an eyebrow. "Are you pregnant?" She teased softly. Andy didn't laugh. In fact it caused him to shrink back a bit.
"No, mom. I'm not." He mumbled. The harmless taunt had only caused Andy to think more about it- he could get pregnant, but that would require someone to actually find him attractive. The day that happened would be the day that pigs would fly. I.E; never.

Andy's mom frowned, realizing the discomfort she had caused. "Oh, sweetie. Oh, Andy, I'm sorry, I was only trying to lighten the mood." She tucked some hair out of his face. "I'm sorry. What was it you wanted to tell me?"
Andy nodded a bit. He wasn't mad at her, he understood what she meant. Andy was just... touchy. He was sensitive, but Andy's mom was more the type to use light jokes to deal with tension. Andy clearly wasn't.

"I see things I shouldn't..." He whispered. Andy's mom frowned more.
"What do you mean?"
"When I look into people's eyes, I-" Andy stopped to find the words. "I see things, and- and then they happen and I don't know why, and I don't know how, and I don't know what to do." He was then back to the weak whimpers again, resting his forehead on his mom's shoulder. "Mom, what's wrong with me..."

Slowly her arms enveloped him tightly, hugging him close and cradling him. "Nothing's wrong with you." She assured gently.
"But I-"
"No but's. It's a gift. You have precognition's. It's nothing to be ashamed of, or to be scared of."
"How do you know?"
Andy turned his head to glance up at her.
"I did my fair share of research when I was your age." She shrugged.
Andy frowned, tilting his head.

His mom smiled faintly. "It's run on my side of the family for centuries, according to your great grandfather."
"Does it ever go away...?" Andy whispered.
"Eventually, yes. Still, no one knows why. But I suppose that's the mystery of it all. The mystery of life." She shrugged and ruffled his hair. "Now go do your homework. Dinner will be ready at 5:30, roughly."

Andy climbed off the couch, getting his backpack. "Hey mom?" He said before disappearing upstairs.
"Hm?" She glanced at him as she stood.

Andy's mom smiled lovingly at her son, eyes warm and loving. "Anytime, kiddo."

A/N: oh look rachel just rushed a story chapter again before class what a surprise 

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