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Andy sat at home that night, awake later than usual. His vision from detention really had him shaken up. Should he go talk to his mom about it? She would know what to say, right?
Glancing at the clock, however, Andy quickly killed that idea. It was past 11; she was always asleep at this time. His dad was awake, but Andy was never comfortable talking to his dad about these things. Not for any reason in particular, but his mom just seemed to know what to do and say more than his dad did.
His eyes drifted back over to this mirror. He was in pajamas, which was usually just a random tee shirt and a pair of baggy sweat pants. Andy got up off of his bed and walked to the full-length mirror in his room, looking himself over. Slender physique, a bit of that hour-glass shaped curve visible through the tight-fitting tee shirt. It was nothing drastic, but definitely not the average strong muscular shape of most boys his age. It was apparently due to the position and shape of his pelvis, given the whole... female situation inside of him. Just the thought made Andy feel sick to his stomach. Bony limbs, bony fingers, sharply defined facial structure. Pale skin, black hair, brightly colored eyes, and dusty pink lips. Andy could probably pass for some sort of vampire.

His appearance was revolting to himself. Absolutely disgusting. Andy tugged gently at the ends of his snarled and slightly curly hair. He hated how it curled like that when he let it go naturally...

Eventually Andy fell asleep, so exhausted that he nearly overslept. In his mad dash to get to school on time, Andy shoved his pile of notebooks and textbooks into his backpack without looking at what he grabbed. Upon arriving at school and taking out what he had thought was his lab notebook for Biology, he realized that he had grabbed the wrong black marble-patterned composition book.

His breathing began to quicken in pace as he stared at his journal- not his lab notebook. Was it today? Was the dream going to come to life today? Andy looked over at Ashley, who sat at his usual spot across the room. He was wearing exactly what he wore in Andy's dream... Fuck, no, this couldn't happen. Andy refused to let this happen.

"I expect this to be in your notes when I collect your lab notebooks at the end of the year to grade. So pay attention, please?" The teacher sighed, rubbing his forehead as he began the class. Andy swallowed thickly and raised his hand. "Yes, Andy?"
"I- I don't have my lab notebook... I forgot it at home."
The teacher shook his head as he pulled up the power point. "Then write it in a different notebook and copy it into the lab notebook."

Andy looked down at his journal and grimaced. He could just tear the page out and paste it into the other notebook... Heaving out a sigh of defeat, he opened to a clean page in the back to begin copying down notes.

It was tough for Andy to focus throughout the day, but then again, who would be able to focus on anything when something so drastic and traumatizing was about to take place at the end of the day?

"Are you sure you don't want me to hang around?" Josh sighed, blocking the door to the room where Andy was supposed to be in for detention. "I mean it, man. I'll stick around."
Andy chewed on his lip. Honestly? He'd love Josh to stick around, knowing what the possible outcome of today's events may be. But he knew it wasn't going to help anything at all.
"No... No, go home. I'll call you after I'm out." Andy promised, giving him a weak smile.
Josh sighed again and shook his head. "Alright, alright... See you tomorrow, then."
Andy nodded and went inside the room, finding that Ashley wasn't there. He stopped and looked at the spot Ashley usually occupied but shook it off as a sign that maybe Andy's dream was just a dream this time. Hopefully.

He sat down at his spot and took out his journal. Ever since Andy had begun having his visions, he'd made a habit of taking note of every one, in hopes it would help him make sense of everything. His mom mentioned it ran in the family, but no one knew why. Andy wanted to figure that out. It was probably impossible, but it was worth a try.

Andy opened up to the next clean page of the journal and began to jot down what he remembered in full detail. The door of the room suddenly opened, catching Andy off guard.
Ashley had come in late.
"Oh. There you are." Andy sighed.
Ashley cocked a brow. "Don't sound too excited." He drawled sarcastically, pointing out the disappointment in Andy's tone. "I had to talk to a teacher after class, it's whatever." He slid into his seat.

Andy said nothing and began to finish up what he was writing. He felt Ashley's eyes on him, and it was making him incredibly uncomfortable. Was he staring at his messy hair? Or the fact he hadn't had the time to make his face look less like a train wreck? Or both? Maybe his clothes looked bad on him, or maybe it was because he kept nervously biting his lip.

But from where Ashley sat, all he could find was beauty; breath-taking, stunning beauty. His nervous action of tucking his hair back behind his ear was adorable. The way his hair somehow looked good even if it wasn't combed or straightened or teased, his clothes complimented his doll-like skin perfectly.
In Ashley's eyes, Andy was the definition- the epitome of beauty. He was gorgeous.
But that was the problem.
Ashley hated that he didn't hate Andy.
He wanted to hate Andy so bad. He didn't know why, but he hated that his hatred of the boy had begun to blossom and bloom into adoration.

"Um. Do you need something?" Andy cleared his throat, pulling Ashley back to reality.
Fuck, I was staring, he thought to himself before answering.

"What're you writing, huh?" Ashley asked. That seemed to put Andy in a mental corner, at a loss for a reply. Ashley stood and approached him. "I asked you a question." He leaned on the desk beside Andy. "Whatcha writing, Biersack?" Ashley asked again, this time putting more strictness into his tone. Andy replied only by closing the notebook and moving to shove it into his backpack. Before he could do so, Ashley snatched it, lifting it up to read.
"Oh, it's your journal, huh?" Ashley smirked. "I wonder if you've written about me." He teased and began to flip through the pages.
"No! Don't!" Andy stood quickly, trying to get it back. He hit Ashley's arm, being that he wasn't exactly the most violent person, in fact, he hated being violent. He got no response, so he finally resorted to pushing himself far from his comfort zone. Andy drew back his fist and aimed for his shoulder, but Ashley moved and it caused his fist to collide with Ashley's jaw.
Ashley suddenly grabbed him, glaring at him. "Oh you did not just do that." He snarled, quite irritated. Andy's eyes widened.
"Shit- I didn't-"
"Like Hell you didn't." Ashley snapped. "Here. Take your stupid journal." He tossed it on the ground and shoved Andy roughly towards it.

It happened too fast for him to process immediately. But the next thing that he saw was Andy, lying on the tile floor.
In the process of being shoved, Andy's foot had caught on the leg of the desk, causing him to fall backwards and crack his head on the corner of the other desk. He felt numb.
Pins and needles, he felt fuzzy.

"Holy shit- fuck!" Ashley began to panic, but Andy was confused. He didn't... feel anything... in fact, his vision was a bit fuzzy, too. Something warm and sticky was coating the back of his head, but Andy was too disoriented to figure out what it was.
And slowly, he was completely blacked out.

A/N: totally not updating during a lecture lmao

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