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"He knows, Josh! I can't go back to school- I can't!" Andy panicked to his best friend the next morning over the phone, pacing back and forth in his bedroom. "He's gonna hurt me... I don't want to be hurt anymore..."
Josh sighed quite heavily, running a hand through his messy blonde hair. "I know, but Andy, you can't let a low-ass bully like Ashley fuck up the course of your life. After high school, he'll never bother you again. You'll be fine, I promise. Now I gotta go, but if you're not there for first hour, I will not hesitate to drive to your house and drag your ass out of bed."
Andy groaned. "Josh, seriously-"
"I'll see you at school, Andy." Josh laughed and hung up on him before Andy could finish. He grumbled and sat on the edge of his bed, turning to look at his reflection. Josh was only being tough on him because he cared about him. Andy was comforted by that fact, but at the same time it drove him nuts. So despite Andy's loathing of the idea of returning to school, he got back up and pulled on some clean clothes, combed through his shoulder-length hair, and put a beanie on. He felt good about himself when he saw he looked more put-together, although he sure didn't feel that way. 

That good feeling remained with Andy as he walked to school. He kind of liked being within walking distance- it gave him time to think for a short while before being overwhelmed by social situations and crammed facts.
Upon setting foot indoors, however, that good feeling faded out and became a sickening sensation of anxiety, apprehension, and hurt. The first person he saw, of course, was Ashley leaned up against his locker, one foot up against the wall of lockers behind him, the other planted on the floor. One arm was folded across his chest while the other held his phone out in front of him to comfortably gaze at. Andy glanced at him a few times, off and on to make it look like he wasn't staring intentionally. Ashley always looked so cool; so calm and collected... Today he wore a white tee shirt, with a skull design on the back. Andy knew that without even seeing it; he had seen the shirt before. It was one of his favorites. Ashley's pants were the usual blue denim with rips up and down each leg, complimented by a  pair of black and white hi-tops.

Ashley's eyes suddenly snapped up, instantly landing on Andy.
Shit he was staring. Andy looked away immediately, face flushing a deep red as he fumbled with his locker. He pulled the door open and took out his Biology text book for class, closing the door again and rushing into the room. Josh was sitting at his usual spot at the lab table off by the window, messing around with his phone.

"Hey." Andy sighed, sitting next to him. Josh looked over at him and grinned, putting his phone down.

"C'mere, man." Josh put an arm around him and gave him a good hug. "You okay? I was only joking about threatening to get you- If you really don't feel well, you could've stayed home."
Andy shook his head and sat back out of the hug. "I'm... I'm okay." He nodded, rubbing his eyes. "I have to tough through it. Like you said... I won't see him outside of high school."
Josh smiled sympathetically. "Just lemme know if you want a ride home today. I can hang around for an hour."
"No, I'll be fine. Don't worry about it." Andy insisted. "But thanks. Really."

Thankfully, Josh took the answer, and that was that.

Come 3'o'clock, the school had cleared out, all students having left to go home for a night of what was usually consistent of procrastination and Netflix binges. All except for Ashley and Andy, who sat in the same spots as the day prior for their hour long detention. Ashley didn't look like he was in the mood for any sort of interaction, and Andy wanted to ask why, but he was afraid of the potential responses he may receive. So Andy plugged in some head phones and laid his head down on the desk, closing his eyes.

Unintentionally, Andy fell asleep.

Sometimes Andy's dreams were... whatever his mom said they were. Precognition's? Was that the word?

Whatever it was, basically sometimes his dreams were visions, for a simpler term. If the dream felt real enough, meaning Andy felt conscious, well, that meant.. it would be real. In a matter of time, at least. 

"Whatcha got there, freak?"
Ashley's voice snapped Andy out of a daze he didn't even realize he had been in.
Andy looked down and saw that in his hands, he held a blue pen and under it was his notebook, with messily scrawled words covering the page. Quickly, Andy searched the page to see what it was that was being written, confirming his worst fear- the notebook was his god damn journal. Why did he bring his journal to school?
"Uh- nothing." Andy quickly covered it with his arms. Ashley raised an eyebrow, and he then felt the composition notebook get pulled out from under his arms. "Wait- No- don't read that!"
Ashley grinned and looked at the book in his hands. The grin soon faded, Andy watching the brown eyes scan the page a few times over.
"Is this a story?" Ashley sucked in a breath.
Andy grimaced and clenched his fists. "No. It's- It's not."
Ashley looked at Andy from over the edge of the book. "'Hermaphrodite.' The fuck, Biersack? Those don't exist."
Andy closed his eyes. "They do, and- and it's really, really, really rare, like- one in a
billion, but I- I am one, and-"
Andy stopped, opening his eyes. "Wh-What?"
"You heard me. As if I hated you enough before, and now I find out that you're actually a legitimate freak? I don't even know if you can be classified as a human being. More like some science experiment gone wrong." Ashley wrinkled his nose in utter disgust and threw the journal at Andy. Andy flinched, catching it regardless.

"Ashley, stop..." Andy whispered pathetically.
"Does your fuck buddy Josh know? He should, if he doesn't. Wouldn't want him to end up being a father, especially when the mother is a fucking dude. Christ, that's actually the most disgusting thing."
"He's not my fuck buddy, and you know it! Just shut up! Shut up!" Andy shouted at him, clutching the journal to his chest. "You don't know what the hell you're talking about! Shut up!"

There was a sudden touch that Andy felt on his back, which caused him to snap awake. He bolted upright, chest rising and falling. He looked around wildly and saw Ashley standing over him, a look of deep confusion and... even a bit of concern on his face.
"Uh. You were... talking in your sleep." Ashley cleared his throat. Andy shied away from him, looking at the time. "Everything okay? It didn't sound like a good dream..."
"It's because it wasn't. Why do you care." Andy drawled bitterly.
Ashley was a bit taken aback by the bitter tone of voice. "I- I don't." He finally answered. "Whatever. Our hour is up, I'm out of here."
Andy didn't move until he left, pulling his backpack up and over a shoulder.

He had to do everything he could to prevent that dream from becoming more than a dream. Andy had to make sure that it never happened. If it did? Then Andy was probably as good as dead...

A/N: two updates in one day wowiewowiewowie this chapter is a bit rushed tho sorry haha do you guys like this so far?? or like got any constructive criticism for me?? Tips? Ideas? Any feedback is good, but just wanna open up the suggestion of, well, you giving me suggestions haha if that made sense yikes 

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