6~Talents Revealed

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(Picture above: TFboys dancing animation)

TFboys' POV

Stepping into the studio, there were curiosity in the air. The bells jingled as Karry opened the door. Their eyes looked around the room and it landed on the two people who were sitting on the floor resting. Jackson's eyes widened slightly seeing that Raven was looking at him with slightly astonished face. She broke eye contact and the older lady, around the twenties, excused herself and brought Raven out another door. 

While they were gone, PangHu left saying he had a business to attend. So they began getting ready for class. A few seconds later, the girls came back which meant class was about to resume.

One thought flew into their minds, is Raven really that good at dancing? She does have an awesome studio at home though... But they pushed it aside since they were going to dance soon. 

Raven's POV

It was overwhelming for Raven to be in the same room as her favorite band, but she was doing well so far playing cool. After Gina introduced herself, they began.

"Today we're going to start with stretching," Raven mentally sighed, they weren't this bad that they needed to stretch right? Of course, she knew that they can't fully do the splits but they needed to warm up, not stretch. There's a difference.

Easily sitting down and opening her legs into a sideways splits, she leaned down. One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten... Sitting up again, Gina was helping the boys by pulling on their hands to make them lean more forward. 

~After stretching and warm ups~

"Now that we're all warmed up, lets begin dancing." Gina had a hint of excitement in her voice, "How does a new song sound?" The question sounded like it was directed towards Raven.

In the end, everyone decided on 'Mansae' by Seventeen:

(Video above: Seventeen dance to Mansae)

"This not only helps with each individual dancing skills, but it also improves on the ability to work together in coordination, also helping us get to know each other better." Gina introduced right before we began. 

As the elder taught the younger ones the moves and their positions, Raven was trying her hardest not to blush or stutter. Surprisingly, she managed to still dance well and not embarrass herself ...not that she cared or anything... ok, yea, she cared a lot. Afraid they'd hate her and somehow news will spread on the internet and then everyone at school would hate her, and it'd be worse knowing that the mean girls now worshiped the tfboys. But Raven shooed the thoughts out of her mind as she danced to the music endlessly, only music flowed through her mind at that moment.

After they finished practicing, everyone looked like they got dunked by sweat (especially the boys cuz they somehow just sweat more). The tfboys decided to stay a little longer while Gina had to leave for another lesson at another studio, they bowed together and thanked her. This also meant, Raven had to stay in the same room with the idols until PangHu arrives because Raven usually stay at the studio for another hour, since nobody really cares anyways. 

After Gina left, there was a painful awkward silence. But as the oldest, Karry was brave enough to suggest an idea, "Um... Why don't we practice more?" The younger ones just nodded and got into position. Dancing to the part they learnt so far for more than 10 times, it seemed, Raven found out that the boys were not only very determined to dance and learn their part, but they also have some goofy times. Of course, since they just met, they're not completely sure with each other, but it's going the right direction. Suddenly, the door jingled, snapping Raven from her daze while dancing, and signaling that PangHu has arrived at last. The plump man had little beads of sweat on his face like he's just ran a marathon, "Sorry for arriving late," he panted, "The meeting was longer than I expected."

PangHu offered a ride for Raven but she shyly yet politely declined. And with that, the boys left with just her in the room like old times. But this time, she felt a bit lonely. As if the room was missing something. Raven sighed and closed her eyes, laid on her back, spreading out her arms and legs. She still couldn't shake off the nerve wrecking feeling of dancing in the same room with tfboys alone, doing the same song for almost more than 2 hours. So Raven did the most useful thing she did every time to clam herself down. She stuck in her earbuds, and began to sing her heart out. She didn't care who heard her, or if she was out of pitch, she just needed to say something. Needed to sing something. Even yell something about the feelings she'd kept inside her ever since she began to live on her own. She needed to pour out her thoughts time after time because nobody was ever there to listen or understand her or even comfort her.

And so, the 15 year old began singing the song she'd always sing ever since she was little to no one in particular,

(Video/Song above: Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, voice from when Raven was younger)

And even though Raven always had a smile on her face, she was truly shattered on the inside ever since she was little. Finally getting up, she walked home, trying to forget all the days her parents left her on her own. The only thing that made her forget completely was her other best friend that was with her ever since birth, music.

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