9~Dancing Away

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Raven's 3rd POV:

Waking up on her bed with puffy eyes, Raven for a moment forgot what happened yesterday. A second later, she fell back from her sitting position onto her bed again from embarrassment remembering how it felt in Jackson's arms. You're thinking too much, Raven told herself and willed herself to crawl downstairs to greet the boys. At least the other two didn't know what happened. Hopefully.

When Raven reached the bottom of the stairs, there was already a meal made placed for her with a beautifully written note signed by the boys saying that they had to go to "work", which seemed a bit unusual for Raven since they're only 16.

Anyhow, Raven's feet naturally made its way down the stairs into the dance studio, feeling a need for music. At first, Raven just played her playlist through the speaker and laid on the floor looking through social media like any other teenager at the age. But eventually she couldn't help but humming along and dancing with the beat. Surprisingly, it wasn't at all tiring, dance after dance, song after song. It was nice for Raven to actually get a break and let go her sadness and stress from the day before.

With her eyes closed, letting the music flow through herself, Raven became oblivious to the time and apparently also to the boy who just happened to have the same idea and stroll into the room.

Jackson's 3rd POV:

"and... CUT!" The director finally called out, "That's a wrap guys, thank you!"

Everyone clapped and began to pack up and leave while the 3 main characters waited for their ride home. Because of all the stress still trying to understand what the american staff members were saying, they were each supposed to receive their own private translator and were given breaks every few hour.

Jackson's role, in his opinion, was very active. And active in this movie meant a lot of fighting. Yes the dancing helped with perfecting his actions, but even so, it was kinda the hardest.

On the ride home, the boys were quiet for the whole ride, going on weibo and posting selfies, updating their clovers.

That was until Yuan broke the silence, "Who do you think your private translator is?" Asking out of curiosity.

"No idea," Karry shrugged without looking away from his phone, "but it'd be a bit more awkward with a full grown man or woman following us around." The other two looked at their hyung suspiciously but let it slip.

As soon as they arrived home, Jackson slipped away from the two and decided to go to the basement. His feet finding its way to the studio, following the muffled music that's slipping out from the cracks of the door. The moment he creeped the door open, his eyes landed on the beautiful girl dancing with her back faced towards him and dancing to the- Wait. Beautiful? No, Raven is just a pretty girl who we're staying with... Jackson shook his head, No, no, get your brain on track, she's just a girl who dances extremely well.

However, a smile unconsciously appeared on his lips and Jackson didn't know what took over him but he joined the dance only then to realize that the girl next to him has her eyes closed.

Raven's 3rd POV:

She knew every movement of every song from her playlist. Therefore, there's no need for her to open her eyes unless she were to spin into a wall. So, as the time came for the turn, Raven opened her eyes only to jump out of her skin seeing that someone has joined her for who know how long. In a blink of an eye, Raven lost her balance. She winced for the impact but it never came. Opening her eyes again, Jackson held both of her arms and helped her up. The two looked at each other in surprise and by then, the next song was already playing.

Jackson flashed a rare smile with a barley visible hint of pink at the cheeks, "Didn't know you liked this song too." Before turning away to face the mirror. Raven turned too, but still looked toward the dancing boy next to her though the mirror. The famous Yi yang qian xi Raven remembered seeing through a tiny screen seemed so different from the person who stood next to her in her own dance studio of her house.

Then she remembered. Raven walked to her phone and turned off the music although she hated to stop her idol from dancing. Jackson paused, looked at her slightly confused but said nothing.

"Look," Raven started, "this is important and I didn't ask for it but I have to ask you guys a favor." She still found it hard to completely lock eyes with the Jackson, "I know I should be talking about this with the rest of your group as well, but since you're here..."

"I understand," Jackson nodded encouragingly, "if you want, I can pass the message to Roy and Karry." And it was Raven's turn to nod.

"I'm not sure if Gina told you, but I'm being forced to do a talent show for school and it's coming up." Raven sighed, "The only problem is, my friend not only signed me up, but she included you, Karry, and Roy into the show."

"So you want us to perform with you?"

"If you see it that way, yes..." Raven peeked at him then stuttered, "I mean, y-you guys don't have to. I know you have plans a-and you're really busy with work-"

"Hey, I'm pretty sure its fine, I'll just have to talk about it with the others."

"Oh, thanks. Um," Raven looked at the nearby clock, sensing an upcoming awkward atmosphere, "I... actually need to be somewhere right now... So, yea..." She lied, slowly backed away out of the room but Jackson grabbed her wrist just in time.

"Wait," Raven looked at the boy in front of her confusingly. Jackson took her hand, placed something in it, closed her hand, and walked past her without another word.

Out of curiosity, Raven opened the piece of paper as soon as Jackson was out of eyesight.

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