mancube Kai x beaten Lloyd

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Any one seen the jungle book that's what gave me this idea of one of them being rises by wolves. And their about 14 of age.


I ran though the woods with my pack, chasing some pray. It saw a sheep of some farmer we always go haft them. I jumped and tackled it to the ground, bitting at its neck. When it stop moving I carried it to the cave. I could tell that the pack was pretty proud of me.

After, we ate I saw playing with the cubs. A little bit later mama wolf looked at me. I looked outside it was time for the cubs to go to bed. I should head to bed to because tomorrow I get to go on me first solo hunt. But first how about, a fight with jackco. Jackco was my oldest brother so we play fight a lot. I what over to him and give a gurr.

Time skip to morning

Lloyd POV

I woke up to my dad's gun, did he shoot a other wolf. " Lloyd get up time to do chorus " my mom yelled. I got up and got my dressed. I went to the Bran to feed the cafts and cats. Once I got out there, something seemed off like someone was here. I haered a whimper. Was it the wolf dad shoot they don't unleash come in here. I go to the back of the bran, to not see a shoot wolf but a boy. He had no shirt on, ripped up jeans, and his hair was so messy that it was spiked. I saw the shoot and came over to see how bad it was. But when I toughed him grabbed my throat hard. I blacked out.


The boy dropped on the floor, I check his beat still going good. Have was small for his age, he was wearing a pleaded green shirt and jeans. Hmm is he another cube from another pack. But who ever feeds him is not doing a good job. Than I notice bruises and cuts on him, did he get beat. I headed someone yell " Lloyd you are taking to long don't make my come in there". I then hear a wipe of a blat. I can't let him do this to a little cube like this. I picked him up, looking for a way out. Then I saw a back door. I ran as fast as I could. When I got to the woods I slowed down.

Time skip to the cave

When I was in the cave the others gruled at me. So I showed them that he was hurt and they backed off. I lied down the boy and almost right after he woke. " Where am I, who are you, ahh wolves " he said freaking out. "It's OK they will not hurt you, their my family " I said trying to claim him down. "Wait your the boy my dad shot" he said noticing my wound. He sat up and asked me who I was and who they where. " Will I'm Kai and that's Jackco, Jackson, Wyatt, Ella, Emma, The Asher's, Brooklyn, Peter, Abby, Sawyer, Ruixn, and Flames". He looked at the other wolves, like they where going to attack him. "I-i'm Lloyd and why you bring me here" he said. "Will when you saw me I freaked out, because I thought you were the one who shot me. But when you pack leader came out, he sounded like he was going to hurt you so." I said trying to explain. " Pack leader? Oh my dad yeah did he have the belt" he said looking like he was going to cry. I nodded and then he started to cry. " Thanks, m-my dad and mom d-do that a lot to me, I don't understand" he said. I saw Emma trying to comfort him. I went over and hugged him and said " your welcomed, and I will not let them hurt you any more". I let go for the hug. Mama came over telling us it's time to ate.

Lloyd POV

Kai told me that the wolf told us it was time to ate and that was his mama. We sat down and Peter handed me a piece of meat. I started to think what Kai said, I will not let them hurt you any more. That gave me safety, even though I jest meet them but they make me feel safe. All they wolves started to howl even Kai, he tipped my arm telling me to howl too so I did. Then all the wolves started to ate. " What was that? "I asked Kai. " It some thing that we do before ate" he answer. " Like to give thanks like a pary " I said. "You could say that" he said.

Time sikp to bed time

Lloyd POV

It was time to go to bed, it was cold in the cave. So all the wolves were in a pile. I saw Kai lie his head on mama, I walked over to him. I asked him if I could lie down. "Sure" he said patting a place next to him. Mama gave Kai lick and then me like good night kisses never got one of those before. "I think she likes you, I think your part of the pack" Kai said. Then I lied next to Kai and went to sleep.

Time sikp to 3 months later

Lloyd POV

I woke up to howls, guns shoots and Kai protecting me. "What's going on" I asked Kai as I stood up. "Oh great your wake, help my get the cubes" he said having the Asher's and Peter in his hands. There was five more. I saw Ella and Emma snapping some of the people's legs. I ran over and grad them, then I hard a howl it was Brooklyn she got shoot in the back. "No Brook!" I hearded Kai yell running over to her. Then, I saw a face all that I know and loathed. My dad he was holding Wyatt and Sawyer in his hand as Flames snaps at him. "Hello Lloyd, you want these back?" He said showing me them."Put them down I'm the one you want" I yelled hoping he wouldn't do anything. "OK" he put them down and Flames helped them. Then he pulled out his gun and point it at me. "I got your friend with this now how about you" he pulled the trigger. This last thing I remember is the all the wolves and Kai attacking him and maybe killing him. Also Kai running over to me and saying "Lloyd no, Lloyd I love---".

To be continued

Oh a part two awesome I wound what going to happen will I don't know or do I ( comment if you know where that's for).

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