Peridot Lloyd x Ruby Kai

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This idea came from my obsession Steven Universe. I do have a book that is One shots about Steven Universe, you should check it out. But know to the story.

I ran, I could hear the booming footsteps behind me. Being ruby I'm smaller that most gems, but lucky I know me way around. It makes be a lot faster than them. I did something bad every bad. If they get me, I will be shattered. All because I opened my big mouth and stood up for something I thought was right. I should have never..... no that Peridot needed help. They were going to lock him up and hurt him. As I ran I heard a Jasper yell, " you get back here you pebble!".

I looked behind me to see not to far behind. All of a sudden I was yanked in to a passageway. I was good going to tell them to get off but then, "shhh there coming".

As the Jaspers pass, I looked at the person who saved life. He was the peridot, but didn't have the normal hair... of.. one. Oh my stars he's are the one I stood up for. They had a gem on their chest and had deep sea green eyes. The Jasper were now long gone. "Thank you, I guess you returned the favor" I said getting up and helping him up.

"Your welcome.... returned the favor" he looked at me and his eyes went wide.

"Your the ruby.... that saved me". He said with tears in his eyes. He gave me a big hug saying thank you over and over again. I rubbed his back, not being sold on the whole hug thing. But when he did it, I didn't hate it as much, we had something in common, we were both defects. My hair was spiky not curly and my eyes were the wrong color. His his hair wasn't a triangle and he was shorted than normal. I was snap out of my thought when I heard the Jaspers coming back. "Let's get out of here" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him more in to the passageway.

If I'm right there should be a loading deck not to far from here. "Ruby where are you taking me?" The peridot asked trying to keep up.

"We're getting out of here, heading some place where we can be safe" I said the loading deck coming in to view. There was other Peridots, a Ruby squad waiting to get on a ship. There was also there was the Jasper that were looking for us. "Oh my stars, we can't get away from them." I whispered to myself, looking for away to get in.

After a few, I got a idea, "you stay here, I'm going to get them to chase me and then you can get to the ship, if don't get back leave with out me". Peridot nodded letting go of my hand. I took a deep breath and ran at the Jaspers. "Hey! Dirt clots! Catch me if you can!" I yelled running in the other way.

Lloyd POV

Ruby ran with the Jaspers close behind. Please get back, I know we just met but I feel like I need him. I snuck to the ship and shut the door. 

Time skip

I waited.....
I waited for the Rubies to stop banging on the doors....
I waited for the Peridots to stop yelling...
I waited for my Ruby to come back...
He never came back...
When I got to Earth, I was found and first captured by the crystal gems. I soon be cane a art of them. I left behind  everything about homeworld.  Change my hair, style, and my names. Lloyd, I love it is perfect.  But after all those changes, I did never forget that Ruby that saved my gem. 

I'm sitting up on some of a hill looking at the sunset. Thinking about everything and nothing at all. But it stopped when I heard, a crash. It came from right behind. It was a red ship, like the one I came in. "Ow the hurt...." someone said from within. I knew the voice..... Ruby? Running up to the ship and ripping open the door, my thought was correct, it was him. He looked up at me. Giving me a weak smile, he said, "told you.... I be... back".

I'm back, hope you like the story
Tell me it you want more.

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