Male Reader X Ren Kaidou

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I open my eyes and groan at the bright light being shined at me. I raise my hand to block the light. I sit up and look around carefully. I'm sitting on a bed, a hospital bed. My eyes widen. I'm in a hospital? I sit on the edge of the bed and stand up. I'm still wearing my usual clothing for some reason. Someone grabs my hand causing me to flinch and pull my hand away from them.

"Don't go..", they say.

It's a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. Ren.. He's the boy I'm friends with in the forest. We're both orphans, expect he has a house and people who care about him. I don't. I live in the forest, summer and winter, day and night. The wolfs are my family. 

"Ren? What happened?", I ask.

"You.. almost starved to death.", he says.

"Oh.", I say and sit back on the bed.

"Why weren't you eating?", he asks.

"I couldn't find any food.", I say, looking out of the window.

"You could've asked me for food. I would've brought you some from the humans.", he says looking down.

I stay quiet.

"You're the first person I've ever let in.. [Not that way ya perverts] I don't want you to die...", he says, sniffling a little.

My eyes widen and I hug Ren.

"Are you crying?", I ask, lifting his head.

"Don't cry, I don't want you to be sad.", I say, wiping away the small tears he had in his eyes.

"You can't die.", he says.

"I'm not gonna die, I'll be fine.", I say, pulling him against my chest.

He wraps his arms around my torso tightly.

"Is this your friend, Ren?", some woman asks from the doorway.

I flinch and pull Ren with me on the bed, growling. The woman chuckles.

"He's like a wild wolf.", she says.

The woman tries to pet Ren, but I growl making her pull her hand back.

"Calm down, I'm his foster mother.", she says.

Ren nods against my chest and I let him go slowly.

"He's gonna come and live with us.", Ren says.

My eyes widen and I look at him shocked. The woman chuckles.

"Sure, if that makes you happy.", she says.

Ren hugs me tightly again.

"Now you won't die.", he says.

I hide my on his hair and nod.

"I won't die..", I say.

"Thank you, Ren."

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