Male Reader X Yuuta

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[Rikka and Yuuta do not love each other in this obviously]

[Also the video is the part in the beginning]

Your POV

Dekkomori, she's my sister and I run towards the train stop where Rikka and Yuuta are sitting.

"Wait right there!", Dekkomori yells.

She stops a few meter away from them and I stand next to her.

"I told you to never give up!", she says, holding her pigtails.

"Yeah!", I yell.

Rikka stands up.

"Dekkomori? [M/N]?", she asks.

"I am your servant! Even it it means being thrown into the deepest parts of the Abyss, I will stay by your side!", Dekkomori yells.

"Me too!", I yell.

"Reality, be rent! Synapse, break! Punishment, this world!", she yells.

"Dekko-Chan, I don't think-", I try to say, but I'm interrupted when she starts hitting Rikka with her pigtails, imagining her weapon.

She yells the names of her techniques before she falls on her knees.

"Dekkomori?", Rikka says, trying to place her hand on her shoulder.

"Don't touch me!", Dekkomori yells.

The train arrives and Rikka grabs her bag walking in the train.

"Rikka.", Yuuta says, but he stays quiet, just staring at Rikka.

Finally he smiles. I frown. He really must like her, huh?..

Rikka looks at his chest sadly and the door closes. the train leaves and we stay quiet.

"Why didn't you tell her?", Dekkomori asks.

"Why didn't you tell her not to go?", she asks again, standing up.

"Master wanted you to tell her!", she yells.

"Dekko-Chan..", I try, but she interrupts me.

"To tell her, 'I'll search for the Unseen Horizon with you, so don't go!", she says.

"Because she..", Yuuta says,

"Master said she could maintain the Tyrant's Eye this long only because of the Dark Flame Master's presence! You were the anchor for her heart!", she yells.

My eyes widen. Rikka likes Yuuta? Oh no..

"That's why she called me when the Dark Flame Master said that the Unseen Horizon existed! She called me when you were joined by the contract of lovers!", she says.

The contract of lovers? Oh no.. They're dating?

"Master was crying! My master! The strongest, crying! She believed in you!", she says, starting to his Yuuta with her pigtails.

"Why didn't you tell her that the Tyrant's Eye is the strongest?! To be engulfed by the flames of darkness?! She waited.. She waited and waited.. Master waited so long for you to say that!", Dekkomori yells.

"Dekkomori.. Stop..", I say, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Why didn't you? Why didn't you?!", she yells.

She tries to hit Yuuta in his chest, but he grabs her hands.

"What good would it do?", he asks.

"What good would it do if I said that and made her happy?", he asks, starting to get angry.

"That's..", Dekkomori says, before Yuuta interrupts her.

"There is no Unseen Horizon!", Yuuta says, casing Dekkomori to look down.

"Her father is in a grave! I can't do anything about that! No matter how much she wishes.."

"Shut up..", Dekkomori says.

"No matter what kind of a world she imagines.. No matter what kind of powers she believes she has..", Yuuta says, struggling with Dekkomori before she falls on her butt on the ground.

"If it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist!", Yuuta yells.

"Shut up!", Dekkomori yells.

"G-Guys.. calm down..", I say, trying to stop them.

"Have your attacks ever worked on anyone?", Yuuta asks.

"They don't work on humans, but they work on demons.", Dekkomori says, tearing up.

"Have you ever really summoned a weapon? You haven't. No matter how much you want, no matter how much you believe..", Yuuta says, walking ahead, making Dekkomori slide backwards, while I got left behind him.

"They don't exist!", Yuuta yells.

My eyes widen while Dekkomori starts crying.

"I.. I.. I know that!", she says, starting to sob.

She wipes away her tears, standing up and running away from us.

"I know that!", she yells, disappearing from our sight.

I look at her and then Yuuta in worry. He starts to cry as well.

"N-No..", he says, covering his face with his hands.

"That's not.. what I wanted to say..", he says.

I hug him from behind, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"It's okay.", I say.

He tenses up before turning around in my arms, wrapping his small arms around my waist, crying into my chest. I lay my head on top of his, tearing up.

"It's okay..", I say.

"Rikka will be back soon and everything will be okay!", I say, trying to cheer him up.

"I like you.", he says quietly.

My eyes widen.

"Eh?", I ask.

"I-I like you..", he says.

"I-I know you d-don't like b-boys, bUT!", he says loudly before I hold him tighter.

"I like you too!", I say, laughing.

He looks up at me, causing me to lean further away from him. I wipe away his tears and lean my forehead against his.

"Don't cry.. it's gonna be okay, Rikka-Chan will come back soon, you can apologize to Dekko-Chan and then everything will be back to normal.", I say smiling, trying to cheer him up.

He smiles slightly and I chuckle.

"Will you go out with me?", I ask.

He blushes.

"Y-Yes.", he says.

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