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Ok,so,At my school we have been promised Ipads.The teachers were promised for 5 years.We are going to take action.TIME TO BREAK OUT THE GLITTER AND MAKE A PROTEST POSTER!!!!!!Here is an essay I choose to write.Commit if you think it does or doesn't need adjustments.

Here it is:


Dear Western Heights Administration,

    I,Jade Warren,in the behalf of Ms.Glenn's 2016-2017,7th hour class,Am writting this.We have been promised Ipads for 5 years now.We need them for educational purposes.They could really help in learning a lot.You purched IPad with the Middle and High school in mind,However you gave the intermediate students Ipads and completely ignored us.

  Why do we need Ipads?Ipads have many educational purposes.We can use them to look up important information,Make PowerPoint presentations,and Use websites to learn more about a particular subject.You may say,"well,you have phones",but there are students whose parents can't buy their child or children a phone.

  What educational purposes are there?There are so many it is hard to list them all.Well,first off,Class presentations.We can make PowerPoints,Documents,Artwork and much more.

  As a student,and an American,I believe we should be given what we have been promised.So,I beg you,Please give us

            Jade Elizabeth Warren


How is it?Need any changes?Tell me in the comments.Thanks😄

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