Lemme tell y'all something

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This is a speech for when you are done with life

Life is full of bullshit.But if there wasn't the bad there couldn't be good.Focus on the good in life.There are many good things in life that you have that others don't.Some people don't have internet or a phone.There are kids who don't have a home or food.There are people who can't see or hear.If you focus on the good side of life you'll see you have it far better than others.Life gets bad but it also gets better.And I know life can get pretty bad.My real mum beat me to no end.She was abusive mentally, physically and emotionally.I got out of there.I live with me loving step mom and dad.Times it seems like they don't care but they do.My mom never talks to me but when she does it's not nice.My dad started doing drugs in 2013 and abusing my step mom.Me and my bro and sis were put into foster care.We were home a year later.My dad had changed.Then just last year my mom got worse about the mental abuse when she talked to me.I started trying to kill myself.I was hospitalized.After 3 times of hospitalizations,I stopped.I started 9th grade.I joined NJROTC.It's helped.At times I am on the edge and I think about how far I've been and how much I have to be grateful about.So look on the bright side.Because there always is one.

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