Chapter 5

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In a drunken Twitter frenzy, the Donald laid out tweet after tweet on how he was going to 'fuck the Canadian Prime Minister to bits.' The world's media went into complete overdrive, and they all reasonably correctly linked this to the American's outburst at the conference a few hours prior to this. As the world waited anxiously to try and come to a conclusion as to why this happened -- they were all under the assumption that Trudeau and the Donald had resolved their differences peacefully -- a leaked copy of the letter that the Canadian Communications team had sent to the Americans had emerged online. Upon reading the letter millions of times within two minutes, the world couldn't come to a conclusion as to why this incident had come about, or why this letter was relevant in any way -- it was just a peacefully-worded invitation from the Canadian staffers to the American president, with no intentions to harm the president or any connotation of negativity of any sort present -- in fact, it was quite the opposite, as the Canadians explicitly stated that they wanted to ameliorate relations between the two countries after they were briefly shattered a few hours earlier. The rest of the world, though, also forgot about the fact that Donald wanted to make wording great again, and failed to spot the third-grade level wording that the Canadian staffers had used in the letter.

As the Americans were coming down on the hotel, Justin was completely oblivious to the mass police escorts that were clogging up the roads of Prague near the hotel -- he was just sitting in his room, listening to music until he got the phone call from the secretary at the front desk, which he assumed he'd get shortly.

However, the Americans embodied all of the negative stereotypes that the world commonly associates with them -- being impatient, aggressiveness, rudeness -- with flying colors. They stampeded past the secretary's desk without a care of sensitivity, destroying her phone and computer in the process as the Americans began to effectively terrorize the hotel. There was nothing that the Prague police could do -- they knew that if they did anything, the American people would antagonize the living hell out of them for the rest of eternity, and their accounts of the event would likely just be wiped off as false.

With no phone call, Justin was completely alarmed by the rash knocking of his door. Despite usually being incredibly vigilant, he had absolutely no idea what was going on, nor who was on the other end of the threshold. It was the Donald, who had preferred to leave his security detail on the bottom floor of the hotel, feeling that the Romanian, Polish, and Nigerian floors of the hotel that he had just climbed past wouldn't have any objection with one of the most powerful snack food products in the world on their floor.

Completely forgetting to check the peephole, Justin threw the door open, only to be met with the stare of disappointment and disapproval from the Donald.

It was all about to fuckin' go down.

Trudeau x Trump: Engulfed in a World of OrangeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя