"Do you Love Him?"

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I wake up a little early today, and I just decided to go to the guild a little early as well.

Could Sting possibly be awake by now?

I walk quietly over to his room, and I open the door. Of course, he was still asleep. I understand that being a guild master and all was a big thing for him, but he looked very peaceful. I could even see Lector curled up beside him. It was like a small child and their puppy. The sight made me smile a bit.

I close the door, and I start to make my way to the guild. Frosch follows me as usual, and there was a small park near my house and the guild.

There was a small and colorful playground in the middle of an area of sand, for the little kids of course. However, I do sometimes find Sting on that playground... He's so childish sometimes, it's kind of cute.




There was a small field, as well. There was a walkway around the field, and benches were placed around here and there. Sometimes I sit on these benches, just to think. It's a quite relaxing spot, really.

"Hey, Frosch. I think it'd be nice if we just sit at the park for a bit. What do you think?"

"Fro thinks so too!" He cheers. Frosch is so adorable.

There was a small bench under a large tree. There was even shade too. So it was a nice place to sit. The field had lots of flowers in vibrant colors. Butterflies and bees fluttered around. Yep, this was a great spot.

I was just watching Frosch as he chased some of the butterflies. It was pretty amusing. Watching him jump for these butterflies, and watching him constantly getting distracted by new ones. It was so cute.

He would even stop once in a while to pick a few small flowers.

While he was playing, I remembered about yesterday. I don't know why I felt weird after. But I did. It was only to trick our friends, but why is it just taking over my mind?

Is it because of what he actually did? But he probably was doing that just to really throw off our friends.

Why can't any of this just leave my mind?!

I could tell that Frosch was already getting a little tired. His running and jumping got a little sluggish, and he trudges over to me.

"Rogue, Fro is tired..." He says quite slowly.

"Of course you are, you were chasing all of those butterflies," I laugh a little and I carry him onto my lap.

"Mhmm, it was fun!"

"Those butterflies and flowers sure are pretty, right?"

"Fro thinks so too!"

We spent the next few minutes watching the butterflies hover right above the flowers. It was very quiet, but it was the enjoyable and nice kind of quiet.

"Rogue? While I was playing, were you thinking about anything?"

"Hmm..." Frosch was my best friend, and I would tell him everything. I always did, and I always will. And besides, he was always a pretty good listener. "Well, I was thinking about something that happened. Between me and Sting." Ugh, saying his name makes me blush, what the.

"What happened? Did something bad happen to you guys? Are you guys still best friends?" Poor Frosch looked very worried.

"Of course he and I are still best friends. We always will be!"

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