Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT?

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Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT?


The sound of waves crashing filled my ears, and sand covered my feet. "Ah, the beach. Is there any other place like it?" I was lounging on a beach chair settled right next to the most beautiful ocean scene imaginable. I took a sip of the pina colada in my hand and swished some of it around in the coconut shaped cup. "This is the life every teen should live. I have the money, I have the fame, and I have the looks... Isn't that right Ramón?" I turned to look at the Mexican hunk beside me. 100% man.

"Yes, Melanie, you are as pretty as an entire bush of Spanish roses." he said lushly.

"Oh, please... Call me Mel. It is so much more modern." I stated quickly.

"What ever you wish, my love." he answered, jerking his head to one side to get his handsome black hair out of his eyes. "Just don't hurt her. Please."

I sighed. "And you call yourself an actor?" I said sharply. Yes, Ramón was an actor. A good one. But I wouldn't tell him that. After all, he had just dropped me out of my fantasy as if I were a rock. To be honest, my feelings were a little bit hurt. "Is it so hard to stick to your roll, without worrying about your honey, for five minutes? Is it so difficult? I doubt it." My anger built and I shoved my feet just a bit farther into the sand. They touched concrete. "AND WHO DO I HAVE TO SHOOT TO GET MORE SAND OVER HERE?" I lifted my feet as a man is stage hand clothes ran over with a large bag of sand and dumped it at my feet. "Thank you." I smoothed the front of my long sleeved shirt and placed my feet in the large pile of sediment lying before me.

"I-I-I'm sorry Mel. W-we can try again if you want." I looked at Ramón and saw a solitary drop of water roll down his cheek. He was scared. Not just for himself, but for his girlfriend too. SO NOT MANLY.

"No." I said tightly. "I'm done with you." His eyes went wide as he saw one of my lackeys step forward. This lackey's name was Rob. Ironic, considering his unique talent for heists. Rob dropped a strong hand on Ramón's shoulder and Ramón whimpered like a little girl.

"Are you going to kill me?" asked Ramón, trying to sound brave. I laughed.

"Of course not, silly!" I punched him playfully on the shoulder. "I always my friends lie to tell the tale!" He seemed to relax a little at the reassurance. "And I like to consider everyone my friends. Well, except clowns. I hate clowns." He laughed half-heartedly at that and thought over what said. He caught the loophole in my promise. The one where I said live, and not unharmed. He stiffened again and looked at the hand still resting on his shoulder.

"Do you want me to rough him up a bit boss?" Asked Rob a bit too eagerly. I made a deal with him a few years ago, at the beginning of my career. The deal was, if he ever got arrested, I'd bust him out free of charge. In return, he had to swear loyalty to me for ten years. If he broke the deal, I would personally return him to the police. He ended up getting jailed and just like I said I would- and like the evil genius I am- I waited until a week before his parole, and I busted him out. At first, he hated me for it but over time he realized, how genius my plan was, and he grew to respect me. Now, he was like a loyal dog.

Sadly, he still loved to bite. "No." I said in exasperation. "I want to have a little conversation with the police. Let them all go and make sure one of them calls the cops. In fact, let's make sure he calls the cops," I pointed at Ramón. "Keep the girl here." Ramón shoved Rob's hand away and glared at me for a moment. I stared back lazily.

"If I find one scratch on her body," started Ramón, "I will find you and double it on your useless hide." I yawned in boredom. He stomped off the set and walked out of the studio door. He was followed by at least fifty other actors and stagehands. One small girl was left in the studio. His girlfriend. Yippy.

Hostage situations are fun.

Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT? (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now