Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT? (1)

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Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT?

Chapter 1

We sat there waiting for what felt like an eternity. I knew it was only a few minutes in reality, but I hate to wait so it felt longer. When the sirens finally began to screech down the road towards the studio, I hopped out of my beach chair and walked over to my group of trained criminals and said something that probably made their little brains hurt.

"Let her go." I said simply. The woman who was sitting at their feet was older than me and she knew it yet she was terrified when I held out a hand to her. "Get up. Now." Rob stepped up and lifted her to her feet. She cringed away from him and I couldn't help but laugh. "Relax! Didn't you hear what I just said to them?" she nodded her head shakily. "Ok, and what part of 'let her go' did you not understand?"

She swallowed hard. "W-why did you keep me here if you were j-just going to let me go?"

"I don't need you here to convince them that you are. I just want to chat with the cops. I don't want a mess on my hands. So I am letting you go. Would you like more details? That would require you to stay here, while I am offering you your freedom."

"But," I raised my eyebrow at her and she quickly shut her mouth. I gestured to a back door.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out." She flinched, but she started to stumble her way towards the door. "Wait!" She froze. "Give me your cell phone." The woman reached into her pocket and came out with a really expensive looking cell phone. She handed it to me. I threw it onto the ground and smashed it to bits with my foot.

I cleared my throat and said, "Your other one too please, missy." She looked confused for a second, until I pointed at a slight bulge in her pocket. "Empty that pocket." She did as I told her and a wallet fell to the floor. "Oops, my bad," I leaned down to pick up the wallet and opened it up.

She held my hand out to me as if telling me to give the wallet back. I snorted at her and turned away. "Goodbye." I said. "And thank you for using the personal bank O' Mel." I felt her eyes glare into my back from behind me, but I ignored her. "LEAVE." I said sternly. She left. I heard the door slam. As soon as she was gone, I took a closer look into her wallet.

I'd like to say that I found something amusing or entertaining or secret, but I didn't. All I found was four twenty dollar bills, and a few odd coins. Boring, to say the least. Granted, she also had her driver's license and about twenty credit cards in there, but the credit cards would be useless within 24 hours- not to mention traceable- and the picture on her driver's license looked nothing like me. "Oh, well." I sighed, slipping the money into my pocket and throwing the wallet off to the side.

The sirens which had been at least a mile away a moment ago were loud and blaring right outside the front door to the studio. I strolled to the door, followed closely by my lackeys, and slid my hand over the handle. With a swift jerk the door opened wide and I was face to face with a very mean looking man. "Hello, Captain O'Neil. How are you?" His face remained a cool mask of anger and annoyance and I loved it. "Oh, how rude of me, please do come in your awesomeness." A few of the guys behind me sniggered and I held up my hand for silence. I stepped out of the Captain's way and the hand I had used for silencing the rude henchmen became a beckoning one. He stepped through the doorway and was followed by a fairly large group of men in blue uniforms.

"Oh, good!" I exclaimed. "You brought friends this time!" I stepped around the statue like man and into the throng of men. I stopped in front of a young looking boy with bright blond hair. He was kind of cute. "Well, hello there," I said sweetly. "And what's your name?" He looked straight forward and didn't acknowledge me at all. "Humph." I grumbled.

Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT? (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now