Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT? (4)

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Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT?

Chapter 4

"She's been with me for the past year." Joe said slowly, contemplating how to tell them without causing trouble. "Well, kind of."

"Are you joking?" Chris exclaimed, "You told me you've been looking for her! Why didn't you tell me?"

I shook his hand away from my mouth and said, "Because you wouldn't have been able to help."

"Help with what?" Fred/Connor asked impatiently.

"Mel, Chris and I are ex-agents for the FBI." Joe stated calmly. Fred/Connor's jaw dropped and he was about to say something when Joe held his hand up for silence. "My brother and their," he gestured to Chris and I. "mothers were murdered by a very dangerous killer. He kills without a pattern and goes after a person and their family. The FBI put us on the assignment because we're the only ones that have met him and lived." I shuddered at the memory. "We were on the assignment for only a year or so when the director got cold feet about putting children on the line. He shut us down and offered me a job but I turned it down and joined the force. When Mel heard they shut us down, she came to me and asked me to help her run her own private operation. I marked her as missing on all records and she joined the crime society. That's where she's been for the past year." The entire room gaped at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Chris asked again.

"I already told you." I answered stiffly. "You wouldn't have been able to help. The FBI already told you we were shut down. They never got a chance to tell me and I heard it from someone else."

"Why does that matter?" He asked.

"The report said that the people I was undercover with discovered me and took me away." I said. "If the FBI knew I knew they wouldn't have believed that I'd stayed there."

"Oh." Chris went quiet and his face turned thoughtful.

"So you expect me to believe that you guys were secret agents?" Fred/Connor asked.

"I don't expect you to believe that we're secret agents." Said Joe, "I expect you to believe that you either accept that we were secret agents or I will take you into custody for practicing inhumane interrogation." Fred/Connor glared at him.

"Yes sir." He said stiffly. Fred/Connor and his conscious lackeys walked unhappily out of the room and I felt the fresh morphine overtake me. I fell asleep.


Over the next few weeks, my life was easy. On average, I wouldn't get more than three or four hours of sleep every night, but I would make up for those lost hours by sleeping during the day. Doctors constantly came in and started poking and prodding at my side and injecting me with more drugs. The only thing that kept me sane was Chris. He eventually got over the fact that Joe and I hadn't let him help us and he shifted back into best friend mode. We sat talking for hours and hours every day and he refused to stop talking until I was caught up on how bad his life had been since I'd left. He told me he transferred schools and got a foster-mom.

Then, when he was finished telling me all the crud I'd put him through, he insisted that I give him a play-by-play on the past year. I told him everything that I could remember that didn't involve violence. For some reason, I was getting a very protective vibe off of him. After I was done giving him the non-gory details, he asked me why I'd been shot.

"Roger was upset that our relationship hadn't turned out right." I said. I laughed at Chris's face. He believed me! I was going to have some fun with this...

"What do you mean?!" Chris exclaimed. "Did you date a cop while you were undercover?!" I had to use nearly all of my self control not to laugh at him again. Good old Chris; always gullible.

"Oh, yeah," I said happily. "We were in love. Then when he found out what I was and the thrill of dating a criminal just washed out of him." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"So he shot you?!?!" Chris's voice got higher and higher.

"Yup, Rogykins always had a temper." I looked off into space as if remembering the good times. Chris grimaced at my use of a pet name.

"Rogykins?" He asked stiffly.

"Yeah! He was the best boyfriend I've ever had!"

"But he shot you!"

"Well, you can't always hold grudges Chris." He rolled his eyes and turned to look out the window; he leaned on the window sill.

"You were always crazy Mel, but this is insanity!"

"You were always gullible Chris, but this is just pathetic." He spun around to look at me with his eyes wide and I burst out in laughter. He came over and sat down on the bed next to me.

"How did I ever meet a girl like you Mel?" He sighed.

"I don't know. Luck?" I said sweetly.

"Yeah, bad luck." He muttered before giving me a dazzling smile. I slapped him playfully on the shoulder. He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his mouth where he licked my palm.

"Ew!" I exclaimed.

"Payback." He said.


Finally, the hospital decided that it wasn't possible for me to break my wound open and they discharged me. I still had a thick bandage wrapped around my mid-section, but I was allowed to do anything I wanted unless it involved bungee jumping or getting shot again.

It was a Thursday afternoon and Chris was helping me to the door- even though I didn't need him to- when Joe entered and gestured sharply to the bed. Chris and I immediately sat down and looked at him expectantly. "We've discovered a pattern." He said excitedly. My eyebrows shot up and both Chris and I leaned forward in anticipation. Joe continued, "We've always thought he just chooses random people, right?" He didn't pause to let us answer. "Well he does. Only, he has a pattern to his randomness. Like, he kills someone and then kills five more people before he hunts down and kills that person's closest friend or relative." My mouth fell open and I mentally scolded myself for not figuring that out.

"Does that mean we know who the next victim is?" Chris asked.

"Yes." Joe O'Neil uttered the word that nearly stopped my heart. If we knew the next victim, we could catch him.

"Well?" I urged.

"Justin Lawrence Milton. He was Abby Sheeler's boyfriend up until she died. They were really close." Joe answered.

"Wait, doesn't he go to my school?" Chris wondered.

"I believe so." Joe replied.

"Well, sign me up!" I said. "This boy needs some inside protection on him and I am willing to deliver!"

"I already have." Joe retorted. "You're starting tomorrow."

"Good." I said. "Supplies?"

"All set." he answered.

"Disguise?" Chris cut in.

"Disguise?" I repeated.

"Yeah, you were all over the news when you disappeared." Joe replied "It's unlikely, but someone might recognize you. Tomorrow, you will be Mallorie Johnson." I rolled my eyes at the generic name.

"Great." I muttered. Joe pulled a blonde wig out of his jacket pocket along with a very pink dress. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me."


Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT? (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now