Chapter 3

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<~>This chapter is by me! ~ E <~>

Aveline's POV.

As I heard the glass shatter from downstairs, I shot to my feet. Wand already in hand I charged out of my room into the room beside mine. It was the prettiest of all the rooms in the gross home. Pink and yellow were everywhere.

The small bed had a little lump in the corner, wide, scared looking blue eyes staring out from a pulled up sheet.

"Cassie! Get up and grab your things, we're going," I hiss at my sister. She needs to realize the urgency.

All of a sudden screams came from downstairs. I flinch, but try to hid it from Cassie.

The small shape in the bed moves suddenly, getting out from the covers and hesitantly walking towards me. Cassie is short, small framed like me, with curly black hair to her shoulders and big blue eyes, darker than Alexander and Elizabeth's. She's nine years old and has never shown an ounce of magic in her life. We think she's a squib.

"Avie! What's going on," Cassie asks, referring to me by my nickname, her voice shaking. I walk up to her and embrace her for a split second. I release her and I know I must tell her, coddling her will only make it worse.

"They found us Cassie," I whisper, the moonlight from her window illuminating half my face, broken only by the stripe blinds. Cassie lets out a small squeak of fear and grabs my left hand in her small right hand. 

Bangs and shouts are coming from downstairs when I hear something that makes my blood run cold; "Dad! No!!" that sounds like it was coming from Elizabeth.

I don't think Cassie heard the yell, since her head is nuzzled into my side. I want to go downstairs and help, but if I do, Cassie will follow me, and my family would never forgive me if she died, I'd never forgive me. The best option I have is to break the window and jump. I think I know the spell to break a fall. I hope I know it.

I shift so that I'm infront of Cassie, still holding her hand. I move my right hand infront of my body, lifting my wand infront of my face, pointing at the window in Cassie's room.

"Reducto!" I whisper. The window and the area just around it shatters, exposing us to the dark night.

"Do you trust me Cassie?" I whisper to my little sister. She nods without hesitation, although fear shows on her face.
"Then run!" I whisper, taking off towards the hole in the wall. I'm running quickly, Cassie running behind me, still clutching my hand. We reach the cliff of the wall and without hesitation I lunge out of the hole in the second story of he muggle home. Cassie starts to scream loudly. Our hair is whipping across out faces, making it difficult for me to move my wand.

The fall seems to last a life-time, as I struggle to move my wand. With great struggle, I pull my wand to bellow us and shout the fall-breaking spell, just seconds before we'd have hit the dark grass of the front lawn.

Cassie and I gently land on the grass, the spell having been a success. Our hands have become unraveled from our hold on each other. I stand up slowly, the air having been knocked from me in the initial fall. I turn around hesitantly and glance at the house. There are lots of lights coming from inside, and yells and screams. I don't want to imagine why or why is screaming.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!!" a yell comes thrundering out of the house with a mundane finality to it. Just moments before the screams and yells stop completely.

A sob escapes my throat. I know what must have happened. Cassie and I must be all who are left. Alone. On the run.

I'm not going to kid myself with delusional childish fantasies about how maybe they did survive. There's no way. I feel hot tears falling down my small face. I angrily turn from the house, my dark eyes ablaze. I want to kill, to hurt, to have others feel my pain. On the other hand I want to run into the house and scream to my parents, I want to yell like a child. "Daddy you can't leave I'm still here! Mommy!! I need you!" I want to run inside and find out what has happened, I need to see for myself.

A sudden tugging of my hand brings me out from my year and shock induced state. Cassie is crying. I need to put her first. And it's with great fear that I grab Cassie's hand and run down the street. Away from my home, away from my family. Away from my life. I need to keep moving, because I'm not on the run. They'll know Cassie and I have escaped, and they won't stop until they find us. We might now be their priority, but we still can't afford to be seen. The sisters of a family of the order of the Phoenix. We know too much. And that why we must run.

We run together, hand in hand. My light hair and her dark hair streaming out behind us as we run, and cry to live another day.


Two days have passed since the new chapter in my life has begun. Fear is what keeps me running. The fear that any moment now, could be my or Cassie's last. Cassie is my whole world now. I can't let anything to her. She's the only person I know I can trust. But she's 9 years old and doesn't fully grasp the concept of what's happened to us.

For the past two days, we've been living in a massive forest, well in, but close enough to steal food from muggle's at night.

Cassie and I have been sleeping right under heavy trees so that we're difficult to see. Right now, she's sleeping, and I'm keeping guard. It's not night, probably early morning, but I couldn't sleep. So I'm sitting at the roots of a tree across from where Cassie is sleeping. That's when I hear it. Someone is running. I'd guess from behind the tree I'm sitting infront of. They're going to see me if they keep running in this direction.

I jump to my feet in haste, terrified the death eaters have found us, just as a tall figure darts into my path. I forget all magic for the instant and swing my fist, hitting the figure in the jaw. The person, a boy I can see now, falls to the ground.

That's all! Hope you enjoyed it! I'd love feedback and what you think is going to happen!

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