Chapter 11

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<~>This chapter is by me! ~ E <~>

Aveline's POV.

Sunlight is streaming through the partially closed curtains when I wake up. The first thing that hits me is the smell of the room. It's very chemically, like hand sanitizer. The next thing is that it sort of stings my nose.

That's when I realize it's the smell of alcohol.

I sit up straight in my bed. I feel my blonde hair bounce behind me. It's probably even curlier thank usual. My dark eyes quickly scan the room until they land on the bed opposite mine.

Dylan is lying down, his hand over his face, while he's tangled in the white bed sheets.

I jump out of bed. Merlin, I hope he hasn't poisoned himself. I climb onto his bed, and lean over his face.

I gently shake his shoulders and he makes no sudden movements. That's just great, he's gone and bloody died. I shake his shoulders again, and now I'm getting worried.

I move my hand hand back and bring it down with the power in my shoulders and slap him straight across the face. He moves slightly and his hazel eyes flutter open.

"Oh Merlin it's bright! Everything's so loud!" Dylan moaned. He hadn't seen me yet, which was good because I'm bloody pissed off and it must have shown on my face.

Then his eyes met mine. "Is that you Rae? Are you here for more?" He wiggled his eyebrows while shading his eyes with his hands.
"Who in Merlin's saggy y fronts is Rae? And what do you mean more?" I raise my eyebrows, already having a pretty good idea of what just happened.

I felt his hands slide onto my waist. And my first reaction was to slap his hands away.
"It's Aveline you piece of -" I spite, moving his hands off me.

"Oh. I know," Dylan muttered, clearly out of it.
"Aveline! Not Rae!" I spit. He obviously doesn't recognize anything. I feel absolutely zero pity. I wonder what he did last night.

I jump off the bed, onto the floor, and start to track down my clothes from yesterday. We need to keep going, no matter the state of Dylan.

Dylan groans as he gets up. All I can here are his whining and complaining.

It's only takes me minutes to get dressed and pick up our things.

I turn around and Dylan is only in his boxers. His clothes are right beside me so I throw them at him. They hit him in the face, causing him to groan.

I occupy myself by picking at the dirt under my nails.

"I'm ready," Dylan moans.
I turn around to see him. He looks awful. Like death. And I'm not going to help him, it's his own stupidity that's landed him here.

We quickly left the hotel, leaving most of our things, only taking small things. We were here for another night. Which I was grateful for since I hadn't slept this well in days.

We were going to murk around downtown today, try and find newspapers, maybe make contact with another member of the wizarding world. Preferably one that didn't have Death Eaterish tendencies.

Dylan and I left shortly after that. We make our way downtown while he moans about getting painkillers. So I take a seat on a public bench.

So that is how I find myself sitting on a bench right now. I'm watching people walk by. The most recent person has caught my eyes. He looks about my age, maybe slightly older, with curly black hair, and dark eyes. He had bone structure in his face that looks sharp and I couldn't look away.

That's why I find myself blushing when he slide's into the bench, our elbows brushing.

"I'm Leo, Leo Starr. And I'm a wizard." He said brashly. My eyes go wide. What-how?
"I can see your wand sticking out of your belt," Leo respond to my wide eyes.

"And before you ask, I'm on your side, which I'm assuming is against the Death Eaters." He continues. He winks at me and I feel my face redden even more.

"Anyways, I'm a halfblood, got into some trouble and now my muggleborn cousin and I are traveling together. And I want to make you an offer. Do you want to come with us? We're only as strong as we are united and weak as we are divided." He grinned.

My mind is in a frenzy! He's trying to escape like Dylan and I.

"I'm traveling with a friend. He's a muggleborn just like your cousin. So I'll go with you if he can come," I grin. I thought I saw momentary anger in his eyes, but then I just figure it's a trick of the moon.

His eyes snap back to me. "We don't have to worry about him getting all hung up on you do we?" He winked. I know what he means and Merlin's beard I'm embarrassed.

"Why should it matter to you?" I ask.
"Because I might already be hung up on you just from one second," he grins this absolutely stunning smile.
I'm sure my amazement must show on my face. I'm too gaga to be anything but absolutely thrilled even though I've only know this guy for a minute at most.

He casually moves his arm around my shoulders and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, in a good way.

Now I'm leaning on him. The embrace is rather intimate even though we've barely met. It's almost like we already knew each other.

Someone clears their throat behind us. Leo and I shoot our heads around to see an insanely tall girl with thick red hair in two French braids to her hips, blue and green speckled eyes, and big black glasses that somehow compliment the shape of her cheek bones.

"Leo, already found a girl," the girl smirks, a hint of amusement riding on her corners of her bow-like mouth.

"Oh, sorry, Aveline, this is my cousin; Claire Hopkirk," Leo says, sending my another wicked smile.

"Yeah whatever nice to meet you and who cares," Claire grins, stepping infront of us.

"I overheard your conversation so their's no need to tell me. Let's find the boy and find somewhere to sleep, it's getting late and the dementors are out at night," Claire says.

Leo agrees with her. Until I tell them that Dylan and I have a hotel. They both grin appreciatively.

"Haven't slept in a bed since Leo and I stayed at my boyfriend's house," Claire said.

As we searched for Dylan, Claire wouldn't stop talking and kept telling us about her 'amazing' boyfriend called Adam.

We finally located Dylan. We tell him everything- well not the whole Leo seems to be interested in me part. He's a bit sceptical at first but eventually gives in.

It only took us a matter of minutes to make it back to the hotel. Dylan keeps wincing at the setting sun, which gives me some satisfaction to know that he's paying for his idiocy.

We wind up back in the hotel room. Claire immediately calls the little couch and falls asleep in seconds. Her snores are really loud.

Dylan climbs into his bed, facing towards mine as I climb in. He grins at me, then his grin fades. I look behind me to see Leo climbing into the same bed as I am in. That's why Dylan stopped smiling? Why?

I gently fall asleep. The last thing I see is Dylan watching me and Leo.

That's all! Hope you enjoyed it! I'd love feedback and what you think is going to happen next!

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