Chapter 6

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-I wrote this chapter!!! ~A~

Dylan's POV.

Dylan felt no pain when he woke up. Had he died? Was this the after-life. Wait a second. Dylan could still feel his deathly hunger and he remembered getting punched in the face. That he could still feel. It would probably bruise.

He heard a rustle of leaves and started to panic. who had punched him. Did they capture him? His limbs wouldn't cooperate since his body was still asleep. Only his mind was. He couldn't breathe. His chest constricted. Dylan was having a panic attack.

He felt a breath on his face. Someone was leaning over him. He opened his eyes to see black eyes staring back at him. They were like an endless void. Seeing them made him panic more. Death eaters usually wore contacts to make their eyes black. His breathing sped up and he tried to push the figure back but his arms were too weak and all he did was spasm.

"Whoa, calm down, I'm not trying to hurt you." The person had jumped back in surprise. Her voice, as it was a she, sounded too innocent. She couldn't be a death eater.

Dylan looked at her. He tried to tell her he was having a panic attack but he had no breath to do so. Falling back to old habits, Dylan closed his eyes and tried to relax. He tuned in to the girls breathing and tried to match it. Slowly, Dylan got his breath back.

When he finally could breathe, Dylan sat up and looked at the girl. She was crouched down, as if bracing herself to fight or run in a moments notice. Her hair was blond and behind her was a body. Dylan couldn't tell if it was dead or sleeping but something told him this girl wouldn't keep a dead body.

Dylan somewhat recognized her but couldn't place a name. Avery? No, that didn't seem right. She looked younger than him, maybe one or two years?

"Are you alright" She asked?

"Who are you" Dylan hastily said. "In case you were wondering, I just had a panic attack."

"I'm Aveline? Fourth year Ravenclaw at Hogwarts. And instead of snapping at me you could at least thank me. I just saved your life" She responded.

"My apologies. I've had my fair share of torture in the last two days. I was just wary of you" said Dylan.

"Yeah okay I understand, what happened to you, you look pretty beaten up" Aveline asked?

"Oh man. Well... Umm... First I was grabbed by a couple of death eaters straight out of my house. Then I escaped, hurting both of them and free falling into this huge forest, getting whipped by every single branch. I landed in a river, basically drowned three times. Got impaled on a stick, thanks for healing that by the way. Bled out on the forest floor. Walked for hours on end. Got chased by something and ran for like two hours AND got punched in the face. Plus I haven't eaten in three days. Just asking, do you happen to have any food" Dylan explained.

"Yea I do. Wow, that's crazy. How are you still even alive?" Aveline walked in the direction of her makeshift camp and came back holding half a loaf of bread and some slices of block cheese.

"Sorry, this is the best we have. We ran away from home after some death eaters found our family's location and have been stealing food from muggles ever since. Recently, there have been a few death eater sightings around that town and I haven't been able to steal anything else. We were going to go deeper into the forest once we woke up but then you came."

"Who is we, you and that person over there? Who is it" Dylan asked.

"That's my little sister. Our grandma lives a few miles away from where we are. My grandmother is a muggle that knows about magic. And my little sister; Cassie, is probably a squib so she would be safe. I was going to bring Cassie to her and run off on my own, but now I guess you could join me?"

Dylan looked into Aveline's pleading eyes."Yeah I'll join you, who would want to be alone in here" He said.

Dylan finished his bread and stood up. He wobbled and almost fell back down but Aveline caught his arm. Dylan almost dragged her down with him but caught himself on a tree before he fell too far.

"Careful. The potion I gave you to replenish your blood has side effects. It takes the amount of energy it would take to replenish your blood in an instant, but then, you have blood. If you are this woozy, you must have either lost a lot of blood or you were so exhausted that it would strain your body to replenish it."

"Probably both" Dylan said, grimacing.

When Dylan didn't feel like he needed support, he pushed away from the tree. Aveline brought him over to her little sister and woke her up.

"Cassie, its time for us to go to grandmas house."

Cassie slowly got up, then jumped back and hid by a tree when she saw Dylan.

"No no no, he is good. Dylan wont hurt you" said Aveline. Dylan was surprised, he hadn't told Aveline his name. He decided to leave that part out, in case she got offended or something.

They packed the leftover food in one of the two blankets and rolled up the other one and walked in the direction of where Aveline said her grandma was.

When they arrived, Dylan was getting hungry again. The small meal he had held him for a while, but not enough to hold off the hunger for too long. They sneaked in through the back.

Aveline's grandma was in a couch knitting. Aveline walked up to her and explained their situation. Her grandma understood and went down to the basement. Dylan had no idea why but waited in silence.

After half an hour, she came back up with two bags. Dylan was surprised she could carry them both.

"If you two are going to be on the run, you need these to survive. I've packed them with things you might need to live in the wilderness. There is a pot in one of them, fire starters, food..." Avelines grandma told them all of the things that was in the two bags and placed them by Dylan and Aveline.

"Can you shoot an arrow sir?" The formality that Avelines grandma spoke to him with surprised him.

"No I can't, but I am good with a hunting knife. I can throw them accurately" Dylan said.

Avelines grandma walked down into the basement once again, coming back with two hunting knives and some throwing knives as well.

"Take these, you will need them to hunt as well as fight if you can't use magic" she said, handing Dylan the knives.

Dylan gave Aveline one of the hunting knives and placed the throwing knives in one of the bags that he planned to take as his own.

He placed the belt holding the hunting knife around his waist. Aveline did the same.

"Come with me sir" Avelines grandma brought him to a room and opened the closet. "That shirt looks rather dirty. Avelines older brother comes here often enough and leaves clothes here. He is around the same size as you.

Dylan looked at the small collection of clothes. This guy had a similar style as him. Dylan took three t-shirts, one white, one gray and one black, then took a red hoodie and a pair of socks.

"Thank you so much" Dylan told Avelines grandma.

They walked back to the living room and Dylan packed two of the shirts and the hoodie in his pack, keeping the gray one and replacing his old shirt. Dylan kept the blood soaked shirt and placed his plaid over the other shirt. It was already red so the blood wouldn't be noticed.

Before they left, Avelines grandma gave them both a sandwich, which Dylan took gratefully, along with a glass of water. They finished before leaving.

Aveline knelt down and hugged Cassie. They said farewell and snuck out the back from where they came.

They walked into the forest, they were fugitives now. Not of the law, but on the run from the death eaters who wanted them either captured or dead.

That's all! Hope you enjoyed it! I'd love feedback and what you think is going to happen next!

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