Chapter 12

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-I wrote this chapter~A~

Dylan's POV

Dylan was staring at Leo and Aveline. Not that he was jealous, it seemed to him Aveline hated him, but out of caution.

Aveline had been so quick to trust a stranger that called himself a wizard. It had taken a long time for her to trust Dylan, if not at all.

Dylan still had a headache from the other night. He had drank a lot of water and had probably overdosed on painkillers. Aveline hadn't helped him at all. She just observed from a distance.

To be truthful, Dylan hadn't been complaining that much, compared to the pain he'd been in. That morning it was almost impossible for him to stand up, let alone walk around the whole city.

His body deserved a well earned rest. Dylan closed his eyes but even in his tired state, it took him over an hour to fall asleep.

That morning, he was the first to wake up. It was still fairly early but he felt well rested.

Dylan got out of bed and brushed his teeth. When he exited the bathroom, his eyes fell on Leo's bag. Wondering if it was worth the risk, Dylan knelt down beside it.

Leo shifted and Dylan jumped up warily. A few seconds later, he heard feet this on the floor and Leo walked out from beside the bed. But before he walked into the bathroom, he stopped right in front of Dylan.

"You better not mess with Aveline, Dylan. I can see it on your face and I know you don't like me, or me with her, but if I see you doing anything with her, telling her about this, I will hunt you down and hurt you in the worst way possible" Leo spat.

Leo stared at Dylan once he was done speaking for a few seconds, then kept walking over to the bathroom without another word.

After a few minutes of Dylan standing there in shock, Aveline woke up. She stopped in front of Dylan like Leo had.

"Dylan, are you okay?" She asked, snapping her fingers in his face.

That took Dylan out of his trance. "Yea, I just..."

At that moment, Leo opened the bathroom door and stared Dylan down like a hawk, as if anticipating tearing him apart.

Avelines back was facing him so she couldn't see. "... Umm, yea, just fine."
Dylan hastily finished.

When Leo opened the door loudly, Aveline turned around and greeted him. Dylan watched in shock as they hugged each other. Aveline had known him for less than a day and they were already in extreme contact!

Dylan walked over and packed his bag, leaving them be. He jumped in surprise when Claire woke up.

"Why do we have to get up so early," she groaned, then got up and waited to use the bathroom after Aveline.

When all four of them were ready, they left the keys at the front desk and left without a word, as they were trying to stay undetected.

They headed to the forest. On the way in, Dylan started to recognize areas of the forest. Eventually they came to the clearing where the death eaters attacked Dylan and Aveline.

Dylan was hit by sudden dread. He had killed two people here. It didn't matter that he couldn't see their faces or that they were evil, he had still killed them.

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