Chapter 1

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A/N - Greetings peasants. This here is the first duo-author story on our FF account, and we decided to combine two of our favorite BBC shows: Merlin and Sherlock.

Unlike some other Merlin/Sherlock crossovers where Sherlock and John use time travel to get to Camelot, in this one the characters always lived in the "land of myth and time of magic," so it doesn't take place during any specific time in the Sherlock series. However, this does take place during Arthur's rule and after Merlin freed the Great Dragon.

If you're worried about not knowing one of the shows well enough to "get" this story, let us put your worries to rest. We have a friend who, even though she hasn't watched all of either show, tells us she enjoys this story.

Notice: If you're worried about Merlin spoilers, though, then this story might not be for you.

We'll refrain from saying more, keeping in mind that this story is a mystery, and we don't want to give anything away before you even read the first word. So, without further ado, we present chapter one!


"Sally?" called the muffled voice of a stocky young man to his wife, as he entered their two-room home from the back. He yanked the door closed, muting the sounds of the bustling Camelot street behind him.

"What is it this time, Billy?" his wife replied lightly. She was preparing their evening meal in the other room.

His footsteps clunked on the stone floor of his workshop, approaching the curtained doorway to the kitchen. He brushed past the curtain and leaned in the doorframe.

"Oh, you know," he said dismissively, his voice no longer dampened by the curtain. He fiddled with his hammer, and he caught the bright brown glance of his wife when she looked up from where she knelt by the fire. She gave him a smile that showed her large upper row of teeth.

William returned the expression but sighed deeply. He rubbed a hand over his tired eyes and down his face, fingers giving his dark stubble a scratch. Moving forward to sprawl in the wooden chair by her, he said, "Have a few last-minute orders I need to finish by the morning." He expertly passed his hammer back and forth between his hands.

Sally pursed her lips and nodded, her curly, black hair bobbing.

"My hammering won't keep you up, will it?"

She smirked at him. "I can hardly fall asleep without it by now." She carried the kettle of stew to the table behind him. There was the sound of sloshing stew and clunking wooden spoons as she filled his bowl and returned to his side to press it into his hands. He caught her waist with one arm and rested his face on her side, savoring the brief moment of affection. She kissed the top of his head and took it as an opportunity to take his hammer away as if it were a little boy's toy slingshot.

"Eat first, then work," she ordered lightheartedly as she stepped away, hips swinging out of his reach.

William turned his attention back to his dinner and obliged to her command, spooning some food into his mouth. His teeth worked away at the tough but rich meat. "Sally, considering what you have to work with, this is delicious."

She was facing the other direction to ladle out her own bowl. When she turned around she rolled her eyes and said, "As you said, considering what I have to work with." She wasn't the most humble of people, Billy knew, but she also seemed to never react well to compliments.

He decided to press on. "All the more reason for you to apply for royal chef. I'm sure you could make some even better food with what the castle has to offer." He divided his attention between her and his food nonchalantly.

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