Chapter 3

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A/N - To clear things up, we've figured out once and for all that this story would take place during the first half of season four, a little bit after Uther's death.

Anyway, without further ado, the chapter you've all been anticipating, I am sure. Apologies for the wait.

Fluffy: The seven-month wait. Yeah, about that. . . Sorry guys. It's been pretty busy.

Queue: Yeah. . . busy. In other words, we've been occupied watching Netflix and singing along to Hamilt-

FluffyShhhhhhhh. . .


Gaius looked over the mutilated body of the servant Julia in an observant sort of way, while Merlin did everything he could to not look at it, feeling his pale skin grow green. "Remarkable. . ." muttered Gaius in a strange mix of disgust and fascination.

"Yeah, remarkable," said Merlin sarcastically. Julia- or what used to be Julia- was sprawled face-down down on a table, with a plethora of wounds covering what used to be a rather healthy person. The most prominent of the gashes was on her upper back as if the killing blow had been struck from behind. Gaius had previously commented on the killer's sadistic tendencies, how he had continued slicing her even after her life had long left her body.

Gaius lowered his bushy eyebrows at Merlin. "These are quite obviously axe-inflicted wounds, Merlin. That narrows it down to a human."

"Great!" said Merlin, flashing a sardonic grin. "Now all we have to do is interview every citizen of Camelot, or perhaps even our neighboring kingdom." He wiped the grin from his face and scowled.

Gaius reassured him, "I'm sure the situation isn't quite that dire."

"Yet," coughed Merlin.

"You're optimistic," Gaius said, and began to roll his eyes, then slowly nodded, "but not wrong. As we don't have any clear leads, we may need to call on an outside source."

Merlin started. "No! I'm sure we can figure it out." After all, whatever had killed and petrified the first couple clearly had been an animal; all they would need to do was assemble the knights to hunt it down. As for the second victim, well, it wasn't the first killer in Camelot; not by far.

Gaius glowered at him. "If this is a matter of your pride, Merlin, we simply don't have time to blunder about with this case. It's Camelot's citizens that are on the line."

Merlin pursed his lips. "It's not my pride!" Merlin insisted. "It's just- well, how much would we be paying this 'outside source?' Besides, I don't think it's even necessary at this point."

"We don't even know if these two deaths are related yet. We have at least one murderer on the loose."

Merlin sighed through his nose. "You're right. I'll think on it."

"It's not your decision to think on. Remember, you're only a manservant, Merlin," reprimanded Gaius, giving him a meaningful look as if to say, You may be the greatest sorcerer to ever live, but nobody's supposed to know that. "The only decision you'll be making today is whether or not you want to accompany me to address matters with Arthur."

Merlin's shoulders drooped. "Fine."


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