Chapter 4

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"I can't believe Arthur would just sign someone up on the case like that. From another kingdom, too! How can we know we can trust him? And did you see that look in his eyes? I feel like he already knows something that we don't, Gaius, and I'm not too sure I like that," Merlin ranted, pacing the floor of Gaius' chambers, floorboards thumping with every footstep.

"Sit down and have some stew, Merlin, you'll keep the whole castle up," said Gaius coolly. Merlin gave a huff of frustration and petulantly plopped down across from Gaius. He was steaming as much as his untouched stew, though one of the two were beginning to cool off.

"But Gaius, you did see the look in his eyes, didn't you? I bet he's not even human. Maybe he's the murderer. Like–like that witchfinder."

Gaius chuckled and looked up from his bowl. "Merlin."

Merlin threw down his spoon that he'd finally picked up back into his bowl. It landed with a wet thunk, similar to his next word, "What?"

Gaius raised his eyebrows, then slowly shook his head. "Merlin."

Merlin slouched a little and set his elbows on the table. The irritated demeanor of his voice, however, was unchanged. "Yes, Gaius?" he huffed.

"Don't be such a child. You need to stop jumping to conclusions like this. You know, this just might be one of those rare situations where Camelot's problem isn't yours to worry about. You should be thankful this detective is working on it. You should also be glad Arthur doesn't expect you to solve all the problems around here. He doesn't and can't know what you're capable of, so he is only making a reasonable decision as king."

Merlin muttered something inaudible under his breath. At Gaius' reprimanding glance, Merlin abruptly pushed himself out of the chair, his stew untouched. "I'm going to see if Arthur needs anything," he announced wearily.

As the young warlock hastened out of the chambers, he was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to have noticed the other man walk towards him until it was too late.


Merlin stumbled backwards, barely preventing himself from falling. When he looked up, he saw a rather short, stout man brushing off his clothes. "Excuse you," the strange man said disdainfully before proceeding past Merlin. He put his hand on Gaius' door to push it open, and before he knew what he was doing, Merlin's own hand dashed out to block him.

"What are you doing?" accused Merlin,.

The man tucked in his chin and raised his eyebrows, then looked disbelievingly to an unseen person next to him before looking back at Merlin. "I am visiting the physician of this castle. What are you doing?"

"Why do you need to see him?" snapped Merlin. "You don't look ill to me."

The man scoffed like he couldn't believe Merlin had the nerve to ask such a thing. "I also happen to be a physician. Now, if you'd excuse me-"

Just then, Gaius opened his door to see what all the racket was about. He tilted back his head a little at the sight of the man. "How may I help you?"

"Well, I was just wondering if I could meet with a fellow physician while I am here in Camelot, but this young man here thought... Well, I don't quite well know what he thought I was doing, but he didn't seem too keen on letting me see you."

Merlin glared at the man while Gaius let out a long breath. "Follow me, please." Gaius gestured for the man to follow, and he pushed past Merlin without a second glance.

Merlin made a face at the closed door and squared his shoulders before proceeding down the hallway, leather-clad footsteps scuffing the stone floor.

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