Chapter 10

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A/N - Wow! So many chapters! And we're planning for one more before the end of the month, and then. . .

Queue: Shhh. . .

Fluffy: I wasn't gonna spoil it!

Queue: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. . .

Fluffy: ;(


Merlin, Sherlock and John stood before the king's throne, the afternoon sun still bright outside. They'd just arrived back from Ishbayern a few hours ago, and John was well aware of the blisters riding bareback had given him. John shifted his weight, clenching his teeth as he tried to ignore the urge to itch. On top of that, he was tense in anticipation of the king's reaction to the lack of information they'd gleaned for him from their trip to Ishbayern. Despite Sherlock's insistence that their trip to Ishbayern the previous day hadn't been a fool's errand, Arthur didn't seem to agree.

"You found nothing out about the chimera, and mean to tell me that the trip wasn't a total waste of time?" Arthur's voice seemed louder than life. John winced.

Sherlock spoke up in defense of them, "Sire, any day of investigation is not a waste. Even a lack of information narrows down our choices."

Arthur leaned back in his throne exasperatedly. "Get out of my sight. I need you to make some sort of progress by tonight or I'll have my knights deal with this themselves."

Merlin stepped forward. "Arthur-"

"Now!" said Arthur, slamming his fist on the armrest of his throne before settling back, chin in hand and expression disgusted.

Merlin looked taken aback. John narrowed his eyes. Perhaps something was up with the king. He glanced towards Sherlock, whose expression remained cool. The detective dipped his head and exited the throne room, Merlin and John following in his wake.

"Where're we going?" Merlin inquired as Sherlock walked purposefully down the halls.

"The king's quarter's."


John turned to look as Merlin halted in surprise, and John slowed down, conflicted for a moment as Sherlock's pace stayed relentless. Merlin jogged to catch up. "We can't just do this! We need his permission!"

"I'd rather ask for forgiveness than permission," Sherlock stated, taking a sharp turn down the halls before stopping abruptly in front of the wooden door to Arthur's chambers. "This the one?"

Before Merlin could answer, Sherlock pushed the door open and went inside, quickly followed by John. John glanced back when Merlin hesitated, but the sorcerer eventually gave in and closed the door behind him. He took a deep breath before turning around.

"Okay, now what? What're we even looking for?" Merlin wondered.

Sherlock gave Merlin a sidelong glance. "You're his manservant, aren't you? Look for anything out of the ordinary. I already have a hunch that if I find the right evidence for. . ." Sherlock trailed off, walking into the other room and approaching the bed. He lifted up the pillow. Nothing. John, as per usual, had no idea what had drawn Sherlock's attention, but soon joined him at his side, peering around him.

Sherlock swung around and almost ran into John. He gave him an annoyed glance but was quickly drawn across the room to examine Arthur's wardrobe. John heard Merlin shuffling about on the other side of the chambers.

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