Chapter 1

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*****Allison's POV*****

"Hey Nat! How you feeling today?" I said walking into my little sister's hospital room the second visiting hours opened. I would probably never leave if I didn't have to work to keep up Natalie's bills. "Hey Ally! I'm feeling alright. Did you hear? One Direction is going to be here next month for 1D day!" She says, her eyes lighting up and a little bit of color returning to her cheeks.

"You've only been talking about it for weeks." I say with a little laugh, sitting on the chair next to her bed. "I wish I could go see them.." She says with a sigh. "I know honey, I promise you the second you get better I'll take to one of their concerts. I don't care where it is. We'll go to the concert that very night! Just you and me." I say smiling at the hope in my sisters eyes.

"That would be so much fun! I would finially get to see my husband in person!" She says adding a dreamy sigh for good measure. "Okay then.." I say laughing. Not only was she crazy in love with One Direction but she was head over heals for the Irish one, Niall. I wasn't a fan of them, but I didn't hate them. Their music was catchy but it wasn't my type. I only really know their names and what they look like.

"Hello girls. It's time for Natalie's doctor appointment." Natalie's nurse Beatrice, says with a wheelchair to take Natalie downstairs. "Want me to go with you?" I ask her. "No, I think were just doing tests this time. No big deal." She says with a smile. "Alright. I'll be waiting for you to get back. I love you! Oh, and remember the needle is just as scared of you as you are of it." I say with a grin as she gets wheeled out of the room.

The second she leaves my smile drops and my face falls into my hands. A few tears fall down my face. She's looked so sick lately. Her skin was yellowing and most of the time extrememly pale and lifeless. She was rapidly loosing weight and was constantly tired.

I remember the day she got diagnosed. It was just me and her at home. Mom and Dad were gone on a trip. She was complaining about not feeling well, so I took her in. They did x-rays and found a mass in her stomach. Further tests proved the un-thinkable. My little sister had a tumor the size of a golfball in her stomach.

Now, granted she isn't little. She's 15. But seeing as I'm two years older than her I still think of her as my little baby sister.

She's been fighting this so hard for the past three months. The only time I ever saw her really smile or laugh was when we talked about something that was related to One Direction.

I know I wouldn't be able to take her to that concert.. And that knowledge broke my heart. I prayed every night that god would heal her and take me instead. But for the past three months my prayers have been unanswered.

I sat in that uncomfortable chair that i'd been sitting in for three months and thought about how much longer she would be here for. She didn't have long, I knew that. A year, tops. But no longer than that. It was the subject I hated the most to think about. But some how it was always the one that was on my mind.

I don't know what i'll do without her. I have no one else in this world, considering our parents are rarely around. Much less now that she's sick. You would think it would be the other way around, but not for them.

They work as partners for the company and are constantly on buissness trips. I get an occasional phone call from then asking if she's gone yet, and a check that barely covers her bills. But thats it. Half the time the check doesn't cover it and I have to work over time at the restraunt for weeks to try to keep up.

"Hey sis. Were done.. The doctor says he wants to talk to you though." Natalie says as Beatrice wheels her back in. I quickly wipe at my face to try to get any remaining tears away. "A-alright. How was it?" I say helping her get into bed. "The usual. Not too bad." Natalie says as nuzzles into her pillow. "Alright, get some rest. I love you." I say leaning down and kissing her forehead as she closes her eyes.

I quickly walk to the elevator that'll bring me down stairs and into the corridor that contains the doctors offices. "Ah, I was beginning to worry you weren't going to make it." Natalie's doctor, Dr. Karp says as I approach his office.

"Sorry it took a minuite, I was tucking Natalie in." I say and take a seat. "Now I was told you wanted to see me?" I say instantly growing nervous. Please don't tell me she needs another surgery.. Mom and Dad already sent us our check this month so I'm not sure if I would be able to pay the bill anytime soon.

"Yes. As you know we took tests today. And well, Miss Evans I assure we have done everything we can for the past few months and we can continue if you'd like but.. She's not going to make it. She has three months at the most. I'm so very sorry,"

Three months tops.. "What!? No. No no no no no.. No! There has to be something! Anything! Please! I'll pay anything! Please." I say the last part in a whisper as I try to choke back sobs. "I'm sorry but now its a matter of what you want to do."

"What are my options.." I whisper, closing my eyes, wishing that this would all be a dream and when I woke up Natalie would be running into the hospital room telling me she's cured. "Well. Its really what you'd like to do. Do you want quality or quantity of her life. We can put her on hospice care and she'll be well medicated and won't feel any pain. With that its all a matter of when she stops fighting. Or we can continue her current therapy and she's guarenteed to be here longer. But we can't give the medicines that hospice can.. And she will continue to go down hill like she is doing now."

"What exactly does hospice care do.." I ask, a few tears falling down my face. "They would keep the pain away. She would be able to still be awake and energetic as she is now, maybe even more so but it won't be trying to prevent anything that the cancer is doing to her. Also with hospice, the company that runs the organization often does pay for the care and they also send you a Make-A-Wish aplication that I could give to you to fill out."

"What's Make-A-Wish?" I say look at the application that he handed me. "Its another organization. They have allot of connections and basically ask the people who are given one of these applications what their last wish is." I nod my head slowly. "Okay.. We'll go with hospice. I know this is what she'd want." I say looking up at Dr. Karp.

"And, if I may ask, do you know what her wish will be?" Dr. Karp asks. "Yes..
I say nodding my head, a smile forming on my lips. "She wants to meet One Direction."

Natalie's Wish. (One Direction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora