Chapter 4

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I open my eyes and the bright sunlight beams on my face. I had to tell Natalie that we couldn't pay to keep her here and that we'll probably get kicked out, but first I had to go tell Dr. Karp. Hopefully he'll give us some good home remedies for pain that will help Natalie at least a little.

I slowly drag myself out of my chair and into the hall. I walk down the halls and towards the part of the hospital that held Dr. Karp's office with dread and fear. I don't know how I'm going to explain this.

I reach the door that has Dr. Karp's name neatly engraved in it and knock a few times before a faint 'come in' is heard.

"Why, hello Miss Evans what can I do for you? Is Natalie's pain level above a three?" He asks with real concern and seems about ready to jump into action. "Natalie's fine.. But I have some.. unfortunate news." I begin, taking a deep breath. "Go on.."

"Well as you know every two weeks my parents send a check to your offices to help with Natalie's bills. We didn't receive one this past week and after a phone call to my... mother. I've been informed that we won't be getting any more checks. Basically, my parents don't care anymore and I can't pay the bills.. I'll pay what is already due over time but I can't keep her here knowing the bills will keep racking up."

"Why Miss Evans, that is unfortunate news and I am very sorry to hear about your parents thoughts on Natalie. But I was sure someone had told you by now.."

"Told me what?" I question, getting extremely anxious. Dr. Karp simply raises his index finger, signaling for me to wait a second while he goes through a few files.

He pulls out the file with Natalie's name on it and shows me the paperwork. He circles a few things and the file to me.

"Amount Due: 00.00"

"Extra notes: Charge anything needed for this patient onto my card. No matter the cost."

"Wha-what does this mean?" I ask, not believing my eyes. "This means.. someone payed your debt and is planning on continuing to pay so your sister can stay for as long needed."

I let out a gasp and my hand covers my mouth. "Who.. Who is this person?" I say happy tears brimming in my eyes. "I'm not sure, I wasn't here but Jackie says he was attractive." Dr. Karp let's out a chuckle and I crack a smile. "But I was given instructions to give you this." He hands me a letter and I thank him and leave. The second I'm out of his office I tear open the envelope.

I promised you I'd find some way to help.
Daddy Direction xx

Liam.. The second my mind registers what he just did for me and Natalie I take off running to get to my purse so I can go drive to wherever he is and thank him.

I quickly turn a corner and run into something hard, knocking it down with me. I look up and see the blonde haired boy who's been attached to my sisters hip from the moment he met her.

"Niall! Where's Liam?" I ask frantically as I scramble up. "Parking lot. He just went to go get breakfast. Natalie had me look for you. You left your purse and keys so she wasn't sure where you were."

"Ill explain later. I have to talk to Liam!" I see Niall smirk out of the corner of my eye as I take off running in the direction I just came to get to the parking lot.

Once I'm in the Lobby I'm looking around frantically for Liam. I hear a door open and see a short teenage girl walk in but behind her I can see Liam just getting to the curb.

I take off running and throw myself into his arms. "Woah.. You okay?" Liam asks with a chuckle. He pulls back a little so he can see me but he leaves his arms wrapped around my waist.

"You are the most amazing person I've ever met. Thank you so much. Ill never truly be able to make this up to you." I look up at him in awe. He is so amazing, inside and out.

"I can think of a few ways.." Liam says and before I can question where he's going with this he crashes his lips onto mine. I loose myself in the kiss and forget everything that was going on around us. There's nothing bad in the word anymore. It's just him and me.

Atleast that's until I hear it. The quick sound of clicking is heard all around me and Liam. I snap my eyes open and Liam pulls me protectively behind him. He looks as though he's about to tell the papa who were watching us off but I know that would that would just end up in tabloids and make him look bad. I gently take a hold of his arm, rubbing small circles on his bisep with my thumb and he visually relaxes at the small gesture.

"Come on, it's not worth it." I say calmly and Liam nods, wraps an arm around my waist, and guides me inside. Once we're out of the lobby and on our way to the elevator, out of everyone's earshot I speak. "I am so sorry. I should have known there was going to be paps outside. I just went to tell Natalie's doctor what happened and that I couldn't stay but then he showed me our file and gave me the note and I had to find you. Liam I am so sor-"

"For what?" Liam asks, cutting me off. "I don't care that the paps got pictures. The only thing I care about and have been able to think about for the past few days is you and Natalie. Don't worry about me okay? All I did was kiss you, it's not like we robbed a bank." Liam cups my face while he speaks and I feel my face heat up at his mention of the kiss.

I open my mouth to respond but no sound comes out so I just nod. We walk out of the elevator hand in hand but I release his myself from his grip before we walk inside.

"Where have you been all morning?" Natalie asks the second I walk into the room. "I had to do a few things." I say vaguely with a chuckle. "How are you feeling today?" I ask, changing the subject. "I've been better but I've been worse." Natalie says with a shrug and I can't help but agree with her.

"Ally.. So me and Niall were wondering... Well it was his idea actually. It's a little crazy but it's.. um, something i've always wanted to do." Natalie says, playing with her fingers. "What is? You kind of left us hanging there." I say with a chuckle to hide the knot in my stomach. "We want to go skydiving.." Natalie says biting her lip.

"You want to do what?" I ask my body changed from its relaxed state to a very rigid one. "Are you crazy? Honestly Natalie! Do you have some sort of death wish?!" I ask her throwing my arms up in the air. "But it's on my list! I'm going to die anyways why not do something crazy?!" She bites back. "Because you can't even walk out of this hospital by your self without being out of breath! How are you supposed to sky dive?" I try to regain my composure but it's hard and faltering quickly.

"I guess you'll never know! I can sign myself out for a few hours. If i'm not back by dark start planning the funeral!" Natalie snarls and slams the door. "Niall.." I beg, trying to get him to not take her. "I'm sorry.. But I have to help her finish that list." Niall walks out of the door leaving me alone with Liam.

I collapse in a chair with a heavy sigh. "She'll be alright.." Liam says, kneeling infront of me, taking my hands in his. "Come on." Liam says after a moment of deathly silence. "Where are we going?" I question as he tries to pull me out of the door. "I'm going to take your mind off all this." Liam takes my hand and we get into his car, ignoring the calls and questions from the paparazzi.

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! We didn't meet the 50 reads goal but I love you all so much that I updated anyways! Vote for that?

So I was thinking of making a goal that you guys had to reach to get the next chapter posted but instead I've decided I'm going to just tell you guys what day ill be updating and a number (reads, comments, votes all together go into this number) and if you guys reach it before the day I was going to update y'all will get an early update!

Comment what you guys thought!

Vote if you liked it!

The person who comes up with the cutest ship name for Allison(sometimes ally) and Liam gets a dedication! (:

Tweet me about the story! @small_towngirl_

Follow me on Instagram and fill out the application to possibly be Harry's girlfriend! @5boyssavedme

NUMBER NEEDED FOR EARLY UPDATE IS 70 ( this could be 50 reads 10 votes and 10 comments or 60 reads and 5 votes and comments it all just has to add up 70)


Stay beautiful everyone! Love you lots! xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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