a change of heart

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Are we awake?/ Am I too old to be this stoned?/ Was it your breasts from the start?/They played a part/ For goodness sake/ I wasn't told you'd be this cold/ Now it's my time to depart and/ I just had a change of heart/ I'll quote 'On the Road' like a twat/ And wind my way out of the city/ Finding a girl who is equally pretty won't be hard/ Oh, I just had a change of heart/ You smashed a glass into pieces/ That's around the time I left/ And you were coming across as clever,/ Then you lit the wrong end of your cigarette/ You said I'm full diseases/ Your eyes were full of regret/ And then you took a picture of your salad and put it on the Internet/ And she said, "I've been so worried about you lately,/ "You look shit and you smell a bit"/ You're mad thinking you could ever save me/ Not looking like that/ You used to have a face straight out of a magazine/ Now you just look like anyone/ I just had a change of heart/ I feel as though I was deceived/ I never found love in the city/ I just sat in self-pity and cried in the car/ I just had a change of heart/ And she said,"I've been so worried about you lately,/ "You were fit, but you're losing it"/ You played a part/ This is how it starts/ Oh, I just had a change heart


"Matthew," Adam shouted in the ear of the sleeping man, "wake the fuck up!"

Groggily, he opened his eyes. Matty fell asleep after being stoned out of his mind. He feared that he was getting a bit too old to be this abusive to drugs. He was on everything: weed, crack, ketamine, and brown. It took him away to places he wished he could venture to.

"I'm up! I'm up," he groaned as he slowly rose out of his messy bed, "Why are you even here?"

"Because today we go on the road. Don't tell me you forgot," Ross said upon entry.

"Oh, yea. I remember now. We're going to The City," Matty reassured.


He loved being on the road. Passing by new places made him feel important, as if he was too busy to stop now, but one day he would. His eyes loved to watch the highway trees zoom past as he sat in the van. The scenery seemed to ease his stress, but some of it remained through his trip.

Peony troubled him now that he knew she was trouble herself. She left the guy she was with after dumping Matty and she now regretted her evil actions. She came to Matty's flat the same night he got stoned.


"What are you doing here, Peony?" Matty asked with a confused expression across his face.

She pushed past his slender stature into the furnished living room. Her face was striped from the tears that fell before she arrived. She placed herself on the barstool in front of his kitchen's island. Like a kind host, Matty poured her a glass of wine, seeing that she needed it.

"I broke up with him," she sobbed as she put the glass she sipped on back on top of the island.

Matty eyed the aesthetic of her red lipstick on the rim. He stood there, staring at this insane girl, wondering why she made the statement she did. Their lives were supposed to be separate now. Her issues were no longer his. Yet, here she was in front of him.

"Peony, why are you here?" he questioned once again.

"I've been so worried about you lately. I wish to have you back," she answered.

"I haven't yet, but I'll move on to someone new. Finding a girl who's equally pretty won't be hard. I don't want you anymore."

"I'm what you need, Matty. I saved you, remember? I changed you!" she was standing now with her lipstick-stained glass in hand.

"Peony, let me tell you something: I used to think so highly of you. Now, you're here in my flat looking shit and smelling quite a bit. You used to have magazine-type beauty. That beauty is gone. You're mad thinking you could ever save me. And yes, I've changed, but not due to you."

"I don't think it was a change for the better. We belong together."

"You're full of shit and diseases."

"And now I'm full of regret."

Matty gazed upon her one final time before asking he to leave his life permanently.

"Fuck you!" she exclaimed upon exit.


Matty grinned as he watched the skyline come close. The City was in reach and he couldn't be more excited to get the high of performing for his fans. This trip was what he truly needed for more reasons than one. He needed to detox from all the bad he inhaled lately, literally and metaphorically.

"If you want to find love, then you know where The City is," George whispered.

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