she's american

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A big town/ Synthetic apparitions of not being lonely/ "Look he's having a breakdown!/ "Oh, what a let down/ "What a shame/ "I think he might die"/ She's dancing, enthralling/ I guess I gotta wait my turn/ I said 'Don't fall in love with the moment"/ She said "I've got a lot to learn"/ You know I'm in love with this city/ But the green is turning brown/ And I just look pathetic now/ [If she likes it 'cause we just don't eat/ And we're so intelligent/ She's American/ If she says I've got to fix my teeth/ Then she's so American/ If she likes it 'cause we just don't eat/ And we're socially relevant/ She's American/ If she says I got to fix my teeth/ Then she's so American]/ She's inducing sleep to avoid pain/ I think she's got a gun/ Divinely decreed and custom made/ She calls on the phone like the old days, expecting the world/ Don't fall in love with the moment and think you're in love with that girl/ There's no more water left in this city/ But be careful or you'll drown/ You think you got it figured out/ [chorus]/ Well your face has got a hold on me/ But your brain is proper weird/ Are you feeling the same?/ You just keep nodding at me, looking vacant/ [chorus]


The next stop on their mini-tour was Big Town, which neighbored The City. Maty tried to distract his loneliness by filling his imagination with scenarios of him and Lana. How could he miss someone he only interacted with once? He had her number; he could contact her if he wasn't too scared to. He lived in fear that he would be fucked over like he was with Peony. There were too many emotions overpowering inside and they threatened to leak out his eyes.


The crowd cheered on as Matty knocked everything in his path down. He cried as he had a mini-identity crisis/ mental breakdown. His fans only screamed for more, thinking it all was an act. Oh, how Matty wished his life was just some act. It took George grabbing him for Matty to relax. He looked into the crowd and spontaneously locked eyes with Lana. What were the odds?

"Are you alright? You completely lost it," she asked once the two were alone and the show ended.

"I'm fine. I'm just the product of fast and corrupt fame is all. What are you doing here?" Matty grinned at the idea of his importance to her.

"Who wouldn't come to your concert, if they had the chance?" she joked and chuckled at her nervousness. He always made her nervous.

"I'm glad to see you nevertheless. You've been haunting my mind," he confessed sappily.

She laughed once again and began to dance with herself under the moonlight. The concept of Lana enthralled Matty's entirety. There was something so different about her.

"It's only been a day, but I'm sort of falling for you. Maybe it's the fangirl in me coming out,"

"Don't fall in love with the moment and think you're in love with me," he warned her, "I'm nothing special."

"I've got a lot to learn," she apologized.


The two found themselves under the stars on a park bench far from the tour bus. They talked in and on about sweet nothings and bitter everythings.

"I'm in love with your city, but the green is turning brown," Matty sighed.

"Dying things can be saved. Give The City time," she assured him.

"I will," he nodded, "Tell me something about you."

"What else is there to tell?"

"There's always something to tell. Stories never end. Just tell me something surprising,"

"Um, okay. I...uh, I have a gun," it was nearly a whisper from her lips.

"A gun! Well, I shouldn't be too shocked. You are American after all." he joked.

"That's a mean generalization. I'm not a gun nut or anything. Most people aren't."

"I didn't mean to offend."

They silenced as Matty indulged in her appearance. She was unlike anything he has ever seen. Her thoughts were properly weird, but then again, so were his. And her face! That was something else entirely.

"It's time to depart," Lana groaned as she stood up.

"Sadly, I agree. I'm guessing you won't be at our next venue tomorrow night."

"Sadly," she mocked.

"When will I see you again?" he worriedly asked.

"I don't know, but I'm only a phone call away," she whispered as she disappeared into the night.

myaesthe_tic © | all rights reserved

stay tuned and stay lovely xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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