Part 1

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"Sir, it's going to be the best story you will see!"Gauri said to the publisher.
"May be mam! But we have some policy. You have to pay 20000 in advance. We can't help it"said the publisher
"But it's a big amount. I can't afford it sir. It's ok. I understand. Thank you sir"saying this she stand up and leave
Stepping out from the office she and open her purse,she still have more than 50000 with her but she didn't wants to weast it. She close the purse and put it in her bag return back to her small apartment she sat in her bed thinking of something. Closing her eyes she took out her diary and open her 1st page tear drops fall from her eyes upon one single line.
She hug the diary to near her chest and cry some more time.
She touch one single name and whisper " I love you OmKara"
She close the diary and open her laptop, searching for job she find one pinging in her Gmail.
She open the call later and look at her desk where bundle of copies and pens are lying waiting for her to jot down her unfinished works which she started.
"May be it's not the right time to write about you Om we need to wait" she turn to the call later and reply it.

Next day she get ready for interview and reached upto the destination
"Oberoi's industry Ltd" she whisper and enter in the big office of the India's largest business empire. One lady call her to stay receiving her CV from her. She waited and look around the whole office it's a nice office , thousands of people wants to work with this company and its only her who get selected for the most important job over here, managing the accounts. It's like a dream come true.
She called by and enter in the cabin.
"Good morning sir"she greet
"Morning. Come sit."the business tycoon sivai Singh Oberoi said
"Thank you"Gauri replied
"You have a very impressive score in your CV. Why don't u reply us before. U are intelligent when we came to ur college and offer you the job 3mnths ago?"he asked with serprise
"Actually sir being loyal I didn't want to do any job at 1st but due to some problems of my own personal life I have to choose this. "She replied
"What? What are you then eager for? U are the best student in IIMA. What best job do u want?"he asked in shock
"Not any job sir. But to write, write stories. But I guess stories can't feed you when you are a beginner"she said with a smile
"Ya. I can understand. My own brother loves arts and this kind of things books , reading etc etc"sivai laugh
"Well so u wants to join the job now. I guess "
"Yes."she nodded
"Ok you will get your joining letter today and u can join by the end of this week."he handover her her CV
"Thank you sir"Gauri said and about to leave when sivai stops her
"U are married?"he ask with a question.
She nodded
"Why don't u write the title then? I saw it in Clg and now also why don't u refer your surname? I know u ans previously that surname is not Mandatory when you have tallent
But I just wanted to know"sivai said
Gauri lower down her face for a while and said"sorry sir,it's kind of personal"
Sivai nodded and she leave
Yes she have face this question till last 3years. Why she never wrote her title . And all the time she have to ignore it any how.
How could she know her title when she doesn't know her husband's surname. It's only his 1st name she know about him. Maybe for that little moments when they get married to save themselves. She leave the office.
Other side sivai call his home "Anika hello"
Anika wife of sivai replied "yes!"
"Tell Om that we have apoint our new accountant,so he no need to freeze his any account. Tell him quick. And by the way where he is?"
"In his studio"Anika replied.
"Ok"sivai said and before cut the call he said
"I love you my wify"
"Love you too"Anika replied and smile.


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