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The Bill Of Life- The Second Civil War, also known as "The Heartland War," was a long and bloody conflict fought over a single issue. To end the war, a set of constitutional amendments known as "The Bill of Life," was passed. It satisfied both the pro-life and the pro-choices armies. The Bill of Life states that human life may not be touched from the of conception until a child reaches the age of thirteen. However, between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, a parent may choose to retroactively "abort" a child... On the condition that the child's life doesn't "technically" end. The process by which a child is both terminated and yet kept alive is called "unwinding"

Unwind slang -

AWOL: a runaway teen, scheduled to be unwound, hoping to survive to age eighteen; said to be "kicking AWOL."

Bill of Life: the law instituting unwinding.

Boeuf: a soldier, male or female.

Chop shop: the operating room where teens' bodies are surgically taken apart.

Clappers: suicide-terrorists who have replaced their blood with a nitroglycerin blend. They blow themselves up by clapping their hands.

Harvest camp: (formerly called "unwinding facilities") where teenagers waiting unwinding are housed, as well as where the procedure is performed.

Humphrey Dunfee: urban legend about an unwind whose parents go crazy from grief and kill all the recipients of their sons body parts, in attempt to reassemble their son.

Juvey-cops: police officer specializing in taking down AWOLS.

"Living in a divided state": a euphemism for being unwound.

StaHo: state homes, orphanages where wards of the state stay until their eighteenth birthday or until they are sent to be unwound.

Storked: babies who are left on doorsteps. The homeowner is obligated to keep and raise the child.

Tithe: a child of a religious family who is born and raised to be unwound, as an act of charity.

Umber: the socially acceptable way to describe someone who is African-American.

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