Alec Clekerie

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Name: Alec Clekerie
Age: 13.
Gender: male.
Sexuality: straight.
Appearance: a pale, tall boy with dark brown hair. His eyes match his hair, and his teeth are lined up with braces, he has dimples on each of his cheeks. He has clear skin, and his nose is slightly upturned. He's usually wearing a white t-shirt and jeans.
Personality: funny, calm, kind, and nice. He's slightly looking foreword to being unwound, but he has some doubt mingling at the back of his mind. He can be stubborn, and is usually entitled to his opinions.
AWOL/going to be unwound/ Tithe: tithe.
Cause of parents unwinding you: because he is a tithe.
Skills: following rules, hiding, and persuading people.
Likes: girls, being looked up to or praised. Summer, and winter.
Dislikes: sassy girls, being turned down or ignored. He hates having water sprayed on him, and he doesn't like messy rooms.
Backstory: he's been a tithe he's been born, his siblings have been tithe's to, and he's seen them being taken to the harvest camps, and now he's having mixed feeling about being unwound.
Other: none

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