The Network: Award Badge

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The official Cell Phone Novel badge sticker will be provided to any authors on our reading lists to include on the cover of their featured work! It's a great way to recognize talented writers, promote your work, attract more attention and of course, share about our cause with others!

We will send writers the badge image in private. If you have your work added to our reading lists and have not been contacted yet, feel free to message us to request for one. Please do not share the image freely; please let us provide the badges!

The circular transparent PNG can be applied to your cover via a photo editing program or you can use a free photo editing site like (which by the way is a great way to make covers because they have countless free great looking presets, fonts, textures, filters, effects)


Picmonkey Tips:

1. Click Edit, upload your cover image

2. Click the butterfly icon on the side menu for Overlays

3. Click "Add Your Own Overlay" at the top of the side menu and select the badge sticker

4. Resize, rotate, position and click "Save" at the top bar 

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