A New Blossom

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  "Wh-who are-...y-your-..your...not" I muttered in shock. "I-I'm n-not who?" A voice stuttered. The voice wasn't her's. I couldn't tell wether they were male or female for they were wearing a hoodie with the hood up while looking at their feet so I couldn't see their face. Wh-who are you?..." I asked as the looked up. She said her name was Blossom.

Knowing what happened last timeline having the name 'Blossom' has a lot of irony to it. "S-so who are you?" She asked as she adjusted her hood on her hoodie. "Heh...Sans, Sans the skeleton" I said in response. "Well you best be on your way just keep walking on the path when you come to a opening go hide behind that rock in the corner I'll meet ya there" I exclaimed as she continued forward. I teleported ahead for I was to tired to walk but when am I not?.

It wasn't long before I thought "could they replace her? Why were they here?". I couldn't understand where had my flower gone?. She arrived at the opening. She looked terrified. What had scared her? I saw papyrus coming.

She swiftly ran for the rock and hid. "SANS WHY AREN'T YOU WORKING" he shouted. "I'm on break" I shrugged. He scolded me again as he knocked me on the head. Rubbing my head I noticed movement coming from behind the rock.

My centre of focus moved to the rock where the kid was standing behind. I could still hear Papyrus scolding me until hit me again. The kid ran out from behind the rock to stand in front of me. They looked terrified but it looked like she was protecting me. "Don't hurt him!" She cried as she stared up at Papyrus. She was starting to remind me of her.

"D-don't hit him! Why would you abuse him like that! I may not know if he did anything wrong- but...it's wrong!" She shouted. Papyrus stared at her. He looked disgusted. "U-uh I-I-uh...I-I...I- I'll just..." She stuttered as she started to cry a bit. She looked terrified.

"You're weak...I can see the fear in your eyes" Papyrus smirked as he knocked Blossom onto the ground. "Weak...worthless... Just like that idiot behind you. Heh have fun getting eaten alive in this dog eat dog world... For all I care you can take him with you... He was doomed from the start" Papyrus exclaimed as he walked away. "Kid!" I ran over to see if they were okay. I asked if they were alright. Blossom replied, "yeah, I'm fine... But are you okay?...".

I reassured that, yes, I was okay. She didn't notice that her hood had fallen when Papyrus pushed her. She got up and turned to look in the direction Papyrus went. I could see a bushel of small peddles had already taken over half the side of her head but haven't reached her face yet. Something was different about the small flowers though. They were a pinky white, like an apple blossom. I could already see where this was going.

She glanced at me over her shoulder. "H-hey, let's go! If this really is a dog eat dog world I wanna prove that Papyrus wrong!" She said with great excitement as she gestured to the opening to Snowdin. "I mean... If you don't wanna that's fine to..." She murmured. I could really start to piece together her personality. She was scared, shy, but when it came to what she thought was right she was brave and took risks she wouldn't normally take, but all at the same time kind and polite. A delicate flower. Just like how she had been many years ago.

Blossoms- an Overgrowth OC sequel Where stories live. Discover now