The Advenutre Begins

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" heh I like the enthusiasm kid" I replied trying to hide the fact that she would reach the same fate as another once did. We headed to Snowdin. As we reached the first couple buildings the kid complemented the scenery. "Well kiddo, you won't be complementing this place after you meet its residents" I added. She pulled at one of the flowers. She yelped in pain as she lost her balance.

Lucky I was there to catch her. "Best we don't pull at those kid...we don't wanna make it worse then it'll become..." I reminded her. She nodded in response and stood up again. And we continued through the small town. I didn't get it. How was she always so scared of other monsters but right when she met me she immediately saw me as friend and not foe.

"Heya kid, you wanna go get some food?" I gestured to Grillbys. "It seems like getting pushed by Pap took some HP" I added. She responded with a shy but polite no. She pulled up her health bar. She had full health. "Wow kiddo you're one tough cookie to break" I commented. She gave a small grin and laughed a bit. "H-heh....I uh guess so!..." She shyly replied. I lead her to Grillbys and we walked in.

I was a but hesitant to bring her HERE. I took a seat and patted the seat next to me. She slowly walked over and sat. I could see she wasn't to sure about this either. She leaned over and asked "why is everyone looking at us weirdly?... And why is it so quite?'t they be socializing?...". I explained to her that everyone was cold around these parts, and that if monsters didn't toughen up they'd get eaten alive. "Well then why aren't you like that?... Why are you being nice to me? Do I remind you of someone?...".

How? How does she know? Is it that obvious?. I wouldn't think a small maybe 13 year old would be able to tell that. I figured if she was able to tell that she reminds me of her then she would probably be able to tell if I was lying or upset...even if she didn't have sight. Just. Like. Her. I replied with " you have no idea kid... Really...It's no big deal though".

We exited the building and started to walk. I stopped knowing what was coming next. I didn't want to see the kid die. They were adjusting their hood until they noticed that I had stopped. "H-hey why'd you stop?..." She asked shyly. I asked if she really wanted to go on. Couldn't we just stop?. She replied with a quick and steady no, we needed to go on. I walked ahead with her. It was so quite u could hear the snow crunching under our feet.

I looked over at her as she fixed her hair and tried to keep me from looking at the small pink blossoms scattered across the back of her head.
"You don't need to hide them sweetheart, I already know about the small blossoms" I reassured. She quietly said okay and took her hood off. We reached the path where we saw Papyrus waiting for her. She shook in fear as he said he would fight and kill her.

She saw that I didn't want this either. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she stood up taller. I will not lose...not to you she said with great bravery and confidence. She died 34 times. The 35 time she died the flowers had spread up to her left eye, not completely covering it, just beside it. Papyrus looked at the blossoms, puzzled. He continued the battle until she grabbed my hand and then suddenly we were in the other side of Papyrus. We ran. As far as we could. I didn't ask how she did that I just ran. Then as the air got moist and it got humid we heard rushing water. We had reached Waterfall.

Blossoms- an Overgrowth OC sequel Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt