Code Can Be Changed

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I sat crying and shaking with Blossom in my arms as she breathed her last breaths. "Pl-please... Sa-ve e v e r y o n e" she said her last words. It was the same, no different. Why couldn't I change this? One thing did change. She built up the last of her strength to move her hands up to find my face. "Sa-sans... Come... Come closer" she heaved. I leaned over and to my surprise she had kissed me. "I...I'm sorry..... Sorry I let you down.." She said then took her last breath. She was gone.

I cried I've never felt anything worse than losing the one I loved. She was the one thing in this world that made me happy. With all this negativity and sadness down hear, it's hard to truly be happy. She was my happiness, she was too. I took her soul in my hands. "I.... Loved her too... And I'll always love....them both" Flowey finally spoke. I didn't care for his words I just wanted this loop to end.

I carried her soul to the barrier, and opened it.

(Switch to Blossoms perspective)
What was happening? I was standing in what looked like the void. In front of me there was a wall of code towering up and up for what seemed like forever. I saw this one piece of code. I read through it. Then I had an idea. If I could somehow do those magical things then maybe I can change code.

After shifting code around for ages everything turned black. There floating within arms reach was the continue button. I pressed it without second thought. And I appeared at the barrier. It worked. I walked out into the second suns light. I saw Sans sitting in front of a pile of cherry blossoms. He was crying. "Please....please come back.... I never got to say goodbye" he sobbed. "Well you don't need to say goodbye...

I'm right here"

Blossoms- an Overgrowth OC sequel Where stories live. Discover now