A Fight With a Fish

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A loud thud echoed through the dark cave. I could hear her voice. It was a bit fuzzy, but she indeed sounded scared. I felt water dripping on my face. Upon opening my eyes I saw her leaning over me, tears falling from her eyes. Flowey looking over her shoulder. That damn flower had been so quiet this whole time. Maybe he remembered and didn't want to see it happen again. I slowly sat up. "SANS! A-ARE YOU OKAY?! SPEAK TO ME!" She cries out. Clearly she was distressed behind what I could imagine. I didn't say a word and hugged her. "Calm down...I'm fine" I reassured. She looked calmer now.

We got up. The blossoms hadn't spread, that was a relief. We walked for about an hour or two more. Then we came to a patch where nothing was growing. Standing in front of us was Undyne. She threw spears and attacks.
The kid for some reason pulled me into hiding. We both knew we couldn't hide out here for long. She checked my HP. But why? She gasped but then cut herself off to avoid getting found. "You only have ONE HP?!" She whispered but she sounded furious. I was shocked.

Foot steps. Foot steps coming closer and closer until they were right on top of us. Then spears raining from above us. We were screwed. The kid jumped in front of me. I yelled for her to move. But then some sort of shield appeared blocking the spears. She seemed to be controlling it. She grabbed my hand and we ran out from behind the rock. She died about 23 times. The cherry blossoms getting to close to her eye, to close.

When I got a chance like in last timeline I grabbed Blossom and ran as far as I could. The farther we ran away from Waterfall the hotter it began to get.

Blossoms- an Overgrowth OC sequel Where stories live. Discover now