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Dan's PoV
Neither of us managed a double flip. Phil managed to get pancake batter over the ceiling though, with me having to stand on a ladder to scrape it off. We are our pancakes together, laughing between kisses that I could barely do through my stupid smile.
I can't believe I nearly called him Phil Howell. Do I want that? Do I want to marry him? It's a bit soon to tell. I'm only 26. He's sat laughing through a mouthful of pancake, bright red because I'm teasing him.
"Why are you staring at me?" He asks.
"Because your beautiful." I laugh.
"Stop referencing The Fault In Our Stars. You'll make me cry!"
He playfully hits me and I grab his hand and pull him towards me, kissing him through our laughs. I can practically feel his happiness. Nothing makes Phil Lester happy like pancakes.

It's about 1am and we're lying in my bed, talking. I'm sat up with my arm around him and his head is in my chest. I can feel his heart beat quietly at a familiar rhythm.
"So..." Phil says quietly, in a very attractive whisper that makes me have to catch my breath.
"You nearly called me Mr Howell."
I knew he was going to bring it up. I cringe internally at the thought of me being so stupid.
"So?" I say, maybe he'll change the subject. But Phil's having none of it.
"Does that mean anything? Would you want me to be Mr Howell?"
"I'm not ready to think about that, Phil. Can I just have you as my boyfriend first?"
"I am your boyfriend."
"I know."
He goes back to being silent. I wonder if I've said something wrong. I can smell his shampoo, the one I use as well, but it smells better on him.
I'm about to say I love you when I freeze before talking.
"You smell nice."
Shit. That's not what I was going to say. Why am I so awkward? Luckily, Phil seems to find it hilarious, since he laughs.
We return to silence and I'm thinking about his blue eyes and how I lose my breath every time I look at him, how I freeze when I want to speak to him, how I think about everything I say so I don't offend him.
"I love you."
He tilts his head to look at me, and I feel my heart race. He's looking at me with so much care I think I might cry.
"I love you too."
And he falls asleep. And my arm goes numb with his weight.
AN- Cherry again. I'm sorry if this was bad, you have no idea how much homework I have so I didn't have much time to write my chapter. Thank you so so much to anyone who's read, liked or commented. Me and Lemon appreciate it a lot :) okay bye :P

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now