Your Hair

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"Holy Hades, Will!" I turned to face my boyfriend, "Will you stop touching my hair!?"

"But it's so soft, like a kitten," he whispered while gently petting the top of my head.

"Do you know how many tangles there are in this?" I pointed to my head, "It's a rat's nest."

"But it's really soft. I wanna blanket this soft."

Will's eyes were locked on my hair and his hands ran through it. I turned my whole body around so I was looking at him. We were sitting on the grass as I watched him play with my hair.

I chuckled a little.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Oh nothing," I turned away and blushed, "It's just that... you're really cute when you get all spaced out."

Will blushed at my comment," Sh-shut up."

I laughed, "You're blushing."

He got hold of my cheeks softly and pulled me into a kiss. I melted into the kiss and pulled away after awhile.

"I love you, Nico."

"I love you, too."

We lay down in the grass. Will was starring into the sky while I looked at him. My beautiful boyfriend. I was so lucky to have him, but I feel bad. I have the most wonderful, the most thoughtful, and the most handsome person in the world that I call mine. And who does he have? He has me. Normal, creepy looking, Nico di Angelo.

But I love him.

And he loves me back...

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