Your Smile

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I broke up with Conner. I did it because I missed Nico. Should I talk to him? It would be too awkward. Maybe I should nod at him next time we walk by each other. No that's stupid.

Stop being  coward.

I'm going to the Hades cabin and tell him that I miss him. Nothing is stopping me.

I marched up to the Hades cabin and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I heard Nico call from inside.

"It's Will!" I answered.

I heard shuffling and mumbling. The door unlocked and he opened it just enough so he can peek through.

"What do you need?"

"I need to talk to you so let me in."

He reluctantly opened the door and I sat down on his bed. I pat the spot next to me, calling him over. Nico sat next to me and I looked at his beautiful face. His dark eyes, his pale skin, his pink lips. Gods I miss him so much.

"Nico," I began, "I miss you. A lot. I know you wanted me to get another boyfriend- and I did- but It just didn't feel the same. I love you and I want you back. So please, take me back. Love me again like how you used to and I'll show you the love that's been building up inside." I stood up, grabbing his hands and looking him straight in the face, "I love you, Nico. And this time, I'll prove to you that you are the most beautiful, amazing person in the world. I'll show you that no one cam compare to you and that my heart is yours and yours only."

Nico's eyes trailed over me face. My eyes, my lips. He stood up, removing his hands from mine and cupped my cheeks in them. He pulled me closer, closing his eyes . Our lips met and I melted into the kiss. The warmth of my lips collided with the cold, familiar feeling that I missed so much. We broke apart for air and we smiled at each other.

"I love you, Will," He whispered, loud enough so only I can hear.

"I love you too. I love everything about you. Your skin, your eyes, your hair, your lips, your touch, your kiss," I looked at the smile forming on his face, "and your lovely smile."

Fin! Hahah end of story. Hope you liked it and to all my readers:

Don't ever think that you are not beautiful. You are very beautiful no matter what other people think and what you think. Because I think you are beautiful. I know you are. Everyone is so amazing and deserve so much. If someone says says that you're ugly or makes fun of your weight or something, ignore them. You are freaking amazing no matter what you look like or what you do. You are an amazing person. You know who else is amazing? Your best friend. Your friends. Your family. Everyone. But just remember. You are beautiful.

Everyone is beautiful.

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