Lovely Smile

338 8 10

I was tagged in a thing...

You have to add the rules
You have to add 13 facts about yourself
You have to do this within a week
You can't back down
You must have a creative title
You have to put a "B" of every fact given
You have to name your favorite animal


-I'm bisexual
-I hate to lose
-But when I lose I hate everything
-I hate school
-I hate people
-I hate the color yellow
-I hate a lot of things
-But I like the color red
-I ship Klance, Solangelo, etc
-7 is my favorite number
-I play Mystic Messenger
-I still play Minecraft (It's a fun game don't judge)
-I like Tøp, Fob, P!atd, Mcr, etc

My favorite animals are (yes animals I can't just like one):
-Cats (but they hate me)

I'm tagging (Probably not 15 people but whatever)


LiquidDeath (I hope you liked the title)






I tagged people I see in the comments. I don't know a lot of people...

I was tagged by ShipAngel20 thanks for tagging me...I guess. You are officially adopted by me.

With love,
Your Mother

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