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In Sound villiage was now big concert and every single instrument was shown. Now was on the stage Tayuya. The member of Sound Four, now standing on stage with nervous smile. Her eyes widen, when she saw familiar siluets. Other members of Sound Four and even Kabuto and Orochimaru came to see her. It was nice of them, but that made Tayuya more nervous. Sakon wink at her and give her thumbs up. She must smile at him. She will do it. Its her hobby and she is really good at it. Fine. Tayuya started playing on flaute her favorite song. Sakon was enjoying every second of the song. He loved it. He listen to her songs often, but that was secret. Orochimaru whisper something to Sakon and He seems to be happy with that idea. Tayuya on the other hand was confused. Like, what the hell can Orochimaru talk about with Sakon? Her confusion growed when she end the song, Sakon went to her on stage. He has something between smile and smirk on his face. Tayuya give him look like: What the hell are you doing? The answer came in few seconds. He kissed her. In sight of all Sound Villiage. Just them. Sakon, Tayuya, kissing like old couple. Of course, she was bit schocked by this action. But honestly, why wouldnt kiss him back, when he is her crush. The kiss was slow and sweet. Both of them was enjoying their time. They pulled away, Sakon with smirk, Tayuya with blushing face. He give her looong look at her lips. "What are you looking at?! Come down, we are going back." Tayuya played that she is angry. "As you say, my love." Sakon caried her down in bridal style, making her blush even more. "Good job!" Orochimaru said to them. You must kidding me, that this was Orochimaru's idea. "Awww! You two look so cute together!" Yelled Karin. Wait? Since when is she here? Nobody knows. But Tayuya was sure that this love will be neverending. So she kissed him on cheek. The rest of day, was the couple in their room. Cuddling, hugging,... You know, all the sweet things that couples do. :)

Sakon X Tayuya - Oneshots |SakoTayu ff|Where stories live. Discover now