OS: Siccolo

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You locked the door to the barn and jogged back to the house. You opened the door to find Piccolo hidden underneath a blanket, head poking out, watching TV.

"...What are you doing?" You asked, leaning in the doorframe.

He quickly threw the blanket off of himself and sat up. "Watching TV."

"What's up with the blanket?"

"I...I was making sure it wouldn't strangle you if you slept with it."

You laughed. "Quit lying. What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I'm fine."

And then he did the unthinkable.

He sneezed.

"YOU SNEEZED!" You screamed.

"JUST A LITTLE!" He looked painicked, not knowing why you were screaming at him for sneezing.

You smiled and hugged him. "You're sick, aren't you?! I didn't know Namekians could get sick...."

"I'm not sick!"

"Yes you are," you sat on the couch with him, throwing the blanket over both of your shoulders. At the blankets soft touch, Piccolo melted, leaning against you.

"I'm sick."

"I know," you hugged him tight. "I will literally take the BEST care of you. You'll be better before you know it."

Piccolo brightened at this. "Y-you will?"

You smiled, standing up. "Absolutely. That's what girlfriends are for. That and nagging."

He chuckled at your statement, and you went in the kitchen to make him chicken noodle soup.

You brought the water to a boil, and shook the packet to get all the goodness away from the rip zone. You set the timer for five minutes and dumped the packet in.

"I know you don't eat, but I thought that soup would help you feel better. Besides, its mostly water anyhow."

He smiled.

"Its just Lipton Noodle, because I don't know how to make anything else and have no life sustaining skills whatsoever. "

He chuckled, and you put Netflix on.

"I like to watch this show when I'm sick." You put on Friends, and you held each other.

"I like Cheers better." He told you.

"Do you have a fever?"

"No. Why?"

"Because, you'd have to be hallucinating to say that Cheers is better than Friends."

He laughed, pulling you close.

The timer beeped, and you grabbed the soup, putting a few ice cubes in to cool it down quickly.

"Here you are, Siccolo," you handed him the bowl and kissed the top of his head.


"Sick Piccolo! Now try the soup."

He tried the soup, and hungrily ate more. You focused your attention on the TV.

"Pivot! Piiiiiivot! PIVVVVVVOOOOT!" Ross screamed from the TV.

You laugh. And snorted a little. Just a bit.

You layed your head on Piccolo's chest after he finished his soup, and played with the hem if his gi while you watched Ross, Rachel and Chandler try to fit the couch up the stairs. Piccolo ran his fingers through your hair, something he has always secretly loved to do.

Ross was trying to return the split in half couch. Piccolo chuckled. "I'm already starting to feel better. Thanks, (Y/n)

I have an idea for a part two of this one. I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I did. :)

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