1 - Reset

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Before this starts, there will be some stuff. So, imma explain it to you. When something is in THIS font, that means the person is thinking. If it's like THIS, that means they're shouting. If it's like THIS, that means it's not part of the story. Also, Papyrus will not be talking in caps, or in THIS. So, thanks for reading, now on with the story!

Sans opened his eyes. He looked around. He was in a black room. He saw a white screen in front of him. It wasn't just a tv or a blank sheet, it was showing Frisk and Sans's memories. There was a button in front that said STOP in big bold, orange letters. He watched as it all rewinded. He saw everything, all of his times with Frisk, until they all stood on the ledge. (picture: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6mEcuRdlAUM/hqdefault.jpg)

He ran and pressed STOP. The picture stopped, and Sans felt something weird, like his soul was being pulled out of him. He closed his eyes, then opened them again.

He saw inside his house, laying on the couch. What timeline is it? He asked himself, getting up. Papyrus walked into the room. "Sans, you lazy bones! Get up and get ready for the party!" Papyrus yelled at him, tapping his foot and stirring the bowl of pasta in his hands.

"Right, okay." Sans said, remembering. The party they all had after Frisk had chosen her way. He ran upstairs and changed out of his pjs, which he was still in from that morning.

"Frisk, get ready!" He yelled, running into the room. He looked around, but she wasn't there, none of her stuff was there either. Then he remembered, Frisk didn't live with them yet. He sighed, and changed. He helped Papyrus set up the table in the living room, and they got it set.

There was a knock on the door, and Sans ran to get it. He knew who it would be. He opened the door, to see Undyne, Alphys, and Mettaton. "Hey guys!" He greeted with a smile. "Sans, why are you dressed up so fancy? It's just a party?" Undyne asked walking in.

Sans looked at what he had put on. A tuxedo, and he kept on his bunny slippers. "Okay, i'll change." He ran over and put his jacket on. "There." Undyne rolled her eyes but the trio sat down. Next came Grillby and Muffet, then Temmie and Napstablook, then Toriel Asgore and Asriel.

"Where's Frisk?" Sans asked the goats. "Oh, she said to go without her, she had something to do." Toriel answered sweetly, sitting down.

Sans nodded. This hadn't happened last time. What was she doing? A few minutes later, there was another knock. "Let me get it this time Brother!" Papyrus said, running over. Sans sighed and sat down. "Oh hello Human!" Papyrus said, Sans's eyes widening.

He looked towards the door, and Papyrus walked to the side, making Frisk visable. She was more beautiful than she was without her blue and purple dress, with frills at the end, and the faded bow on her head. Her hair was down as always, but it was curled. Sans's mouth opened, dangling wide open.

"Hi Sans!" She said, noticing Sans staring at her. Sans smiled and waved. He could feel something running out of his nose- Blood?!

He grabbed a napkin and wiped it off. Frisk sat next to him, and he felt his cheeks get hot, and turn blue. Papyrus put Spaghetti, garlic bread, popcorn, toast, and brownies on the table. Then, soup. "I got that from the store!" Papyrus said, sitting next to Mettaton. "Oh my Papyrus, this dinner looks wonderful!" Mettaton said. Frisk nodded.

"Good job Papyrus!" Frisk said. "I didn't do all of it, Sans helped!" Papyrus said. Sans forgot, he did. He nodded. "Yep." Frisk smiled. "Both of you did very good." Sans smiled and his face got bluer. "T-thanks." They all grabbed what they wanted, and started to eat.

After dinner, Frisk tugged on Sans's jacket. "Can i talk to you for a moment?" Sans's eyes widened, but he nodded. They went into Sans' room. Frisk shut the door. "Sans, i know what you did." She told him. Sans' eyes widened more. "W-what did i do?" He asked worried.

Frisk sighed. "You reset." Sans's eyes went back to normal size. "H-how?" He asked. "I felt my soul returning to my body. I'm like you, i live outside of the timeline." She said.

Sans walked over and hugged her. "I'm just glad to have you back." Frisk hugged back. "Yeah, me too."

Reset ~ Sans x Older!FriskWhere stories live. Discover now